Cavalheiros, é com grande pesar que vos digo:

De certo, há de existir preocupante quantidade de resíduo excrementício em minhas vestimentas internas.

Isso é tudo.

1 60

Platinum Numemon
Mutant Mollusk
Platinum Excrement
Platinum Burp

8 28

My feed is full of hate for today!?
Stories of women getting sexually harassed on nights out & male fantasies about stripping women naked & throwing excrement at them.

Love & solidarity to all women

Images:From my drawing challenge

3 8

RAT ORB! They don’t have a office name yet … but this wonderful little Rat belongs to the amazing and we’ll be little assistant to help her around her ship and her excrements!

# fangirl art (≧∇≦)Lol

8 36

En la literatura hay varias explicaciones sobre cómo crear un homúnculo (en 'El laberinto del fauno' se usa mandrágora, por ejemplo), pero la que recomendaba el ocultista suizo Paracelso se resume en mezclar semen con huevos o con excrementos de caballo.

1 8

Platinum Numemon
Mutant Mollusk
Platinum Excrement
Platinum Burp

9 16

Alguém já viu uma bomba de excremento?

417 3101

Ok, important stuff before I'm off to Italy for EAVP:
asked me how many pieces I have involving excrements, they estimated 5%, I thought it would be way less so I just went through all of them.

37 411

un poco excrementoso este día, pero con la tableta gráfica que me llegó hoy hice esto

0 1

Follow Hank along for a tale of toxic, racist, & sexist, pseudo-intellectual bullshit to make self-serving narcissists feel good about what horrible human beings they are in this grotesque age of late stage Capitalism.

Belongs in the sewer library with the rest of the excrement.

0 0

Nivel: Perfect
Atributo: Data
Familia: Virus Busters
SūpāNani Punch: Da un "poderoso" puñetazo, el cuál tiene un porcentaje aleatorio de dañar o no a su oponente.
Super Caca: Crea excremento a partir de su energía y se lo lanza a su rival

5 11

Platinum Numemon
Mutant Mollusk
Platinum Excrement
Platinum Burp

7 20

Gold Numemon
Gold-Durian Rush
Gold Excrement
Iya De Dekkai Shita

1 12