Dulu ada website namanya drawr. Web buat gambar semacam paint gitu yg warna dan brushnya limited. Kalo mau shade warna tertentu harus nyampurin dulu di canvas yg sama. Ga bisa dipause, sekali gambar kelar. Susaaah bgt gambar pake itu. Tapi org Jepang di sana dewa2

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Suka bgt nyampur wrna prussian blue sma yellow ochre (´ε`)

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Commissioned work - a magical girl inspired by the outfits of Revolutionary Girl Utena! This was great fun to work on.

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Done for a good friend of mine who I’ve known for ages - one of those good internet friends you’ve never met but always keep in touch. <3 This is for her adorable son, Sebastian.

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Commissioned by Flufficorn on Instagram https://t.co/eM9H0thlQG
Just a pleasure to draw an adorable lolita chibi hugging a Pokemon!

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A decade of chibis! I've been wanting to do a 2010-2020 comparison so I looked through my Deviantart account and found that my first chibi was drawn in 2010!

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yAmpun asupam kali ini beda resep haha aduh///

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Today’s prompt: snow. I am ready for winter. Can sweater weather hurry it up please?

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Missed a day yesterday - caught a cold - but I’m back in business! Today’s prompt was ‘husky’ which I didn’t have any ideas for so I went with yesterday’s prompt of 'build’...

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Today’s prompt: freeze. This little fairy has frozen herself in a deep sleep for a hundred years. What adventures await her when she awakens?..

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Today’s prompt was “bait”. This little fairy wants a ladybug as a pet. Do ladybugs like cupcakes though? . .

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Inktober Day 1 - The official prompt for day one was “ring” which made me think of planet rings! I’m crazy busy this October so traditional art is not going to happen but I thought I might try to make little doodles at night on my laptop instead!

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Aa’ Johan ☜(˚▽˚)☞

Belajar nyampur warna lebih variatif tanpa pick color dari image2 lain

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