the hedon, the deaf and the duelist

54 477


0 19

Gundamusume: Magical Sentinel Celestial being

Crimson Duelist Reborns

A fallen hero returns. With a twisted vision of peace, will her dark crusade save the world, or plunge it further into despair?


258 1062

(idk what deck she woukd use 🤔)

23 129

only thing stronger than the Champion Duelist are those adamantium buttons

0 17

The Champion Duelist vs The Head Nurse

1304 12985

本日4月15日はCODE OF THE DUELIST発売から7年

それを祝して、今週末日曜日に開催される強欲で謙虚なイベントTURN15 にて星遺物7th合同を頒布します

34 55

Kinda imagined Adolin’s plate to be slightly lighter and having more intricate patterns than Dalinar’s just to fit that image of being a duelist.

410 4719



決闘代理人|Champion Duelist

250 1408

Not really scary halloween vibe but this Halloween we've prepared 4 pairs of Where Coincidence Intertwines' characters with different classes:
Samurai-Karos & Paladdin-Kei
Duelist-Leon & DragonLord-Roy
Ninja-Soruen & Priest-Oswald
Huntman-Lancelot & Beastmen-Willheim😊

11 91


20 114

Needy Duelist

83 402

Duelist sketch

879 11969

a champion duelist, a god's body guard, can slice through an army of robots

839 4615

TCGのDuelist Nexusから

450 1140