Introducing Smallbos, or small/ shrunken Phobos

After a nasty betrayal he had with the AAHW, they not only took his intelligence, but shrunk him as well as punishment

He escaped and lives a happy and free life with Deimos, and he's also great friends with Hamford

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i got so bored and said fuck it. slime time and now im writing a document from the perspective of a aahw scientist documebnting this creature sort of

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맫컴oc..폭팔물을 주로 다루고 등엔 바주카..폭팔물 다루다가 오른쪽이 아예 날아갔지만 발빼고 복구함 발은 의족, 전 AAHW 피 겨자색

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쿠키가 좋은 트리키와 쿠키먹는 AAHW

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Sup fellas, srry for the inactivity but i was workin on the MAG hank that allá of ya want, some ocs, and the new aahw

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This month go for mech! all theme allowed: solarpunk , steampunk, decay mech... aahw i love it, hit PM if you're interested I'll be taking slots until the end of November

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description of them will be later(maybe(?))

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Been working on some stuff. Here's a madness combat resprite of the AAHW ATP Engineer and AAHW ATP Soldat! Everythin' is entirely custom and by me of course. Hands, bodies, guns, etc.
Feel free to give me some thoughts and suggestions!

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Jack A.
" Once under the command of the AAHW, he was killed and experimented on by their engineers. Jack has gone rouge, and seeks vengeance againts the ones responsible for his suffering. "

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if the AAHW has a dental plan Torture ain't taking advantage of it....

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