📽️ -ek gaztelaniazko telesailetako pilotuentzako nazioarteko gidoi lehiaketaren deialdia ireki du.

➖ Early deadline: otsailak 24

➖ Irabazleen berri ekainaren 21ean izango da.


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Welp, here is that one character (Unknown) that i had, but i redesigned him recently.

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Olá, me chamo nico e tenho 18 anos! Comecei na arte digital esse mês, não gosto muito do meu 1º desenho digital, mas faz partekkk. Também não tenho experiência com pintura no papel e nem no digital, mas mesmo assim eu tento.
eu gosto MUITO de desenhar💖

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najgorsze jest to, że egzamin w czwartek a ja jeszcze nie mam notatek wklejonych ładnie w jeden plik żeby było po mojemu

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Another year, another spritework.

This time i made Team Retro in KOF style in someway. Im kinda happy how these came. (Retroshi and Trigona are from )

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Animador gringo queriendo hacer una referencia al anime Startek pack:

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Strasburgo, 11 dicembre 2018.
Esattamente tre anni fa.
Dedicato ad Antonio Megalizzi e Bartosz "Bartek" Orent-Niedzielsk

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Midnight masquerade 2/3- ice queen🎭❄️✨ one more to go! These are based off of Steven Thompsons work for Disney’s midnight masquerade series✨ more on my Instagram @ _tartek_ !

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One of the heroes of Nadwyn he is part of a group art that soon you will see

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Cartoon Movie 2022 Bordelen izango da, 2022ko martxoaren 8tik 10era. Ekitaldia animaziozko film luzeen ekoizleen, inbertitzaileen eta banatzaileen arteko sinergiak sortzera bideratuta dago.
Izena emateko epemuga: 2021eko azaroaren 17a baino lehen.

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So. Halloween is here again. Eh, i don't care that much and im not in mood for it. Maybe next year will be better? But i have to wait. For now, here is Bartek dressed as from made for collab.

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eredu bat (➡️https://t.co/4NO7OTn7yz). El Sotillo-ko trikuharria (https://t.co/BLMuqjZeOx). Arabar errioxako trikuharrien artean senitarteko bikaina. Alboan aspaldi zabaldutako bideak, tamalez, jatorrizko tumuloaren zati bat moztua du. Edonola, hau arabar ondare puxka!😍

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Um... Hi. The name is Bartek. Im just an random artist that does random stuff. I also do logos sometimes.

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お題箱: Artekのスツール60、コーヒー、ブロンドヘアの北欧女子。(ワンピースはmarimekkoを参考)

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"Burning away like i don't exist....."

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Well, my name is Bartek. I was doing art since 2016. I just do random stuff, i guess.

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praticando ai sem paciencia pra finalizar artekkapakp

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