Fan Art Friday is back with some fantastic submissions from creatives , , , and . Enjoy!
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12 37

This is good & says it all but damn check out Pete! 😅😅😅😅😅

31 71

Climate change is an existential threat that is an issue of great concern to people of color . Stop trying to lecture Senator and do your job. Just ask questions and listen, instead of interrupting.

230 693

Bernie is pulling ahead in polls in California. And for good reason.

Projected on the SF Federal Building.

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Identity Crisis by and me. There is no doubt, Progressive Dems are more popular and are raising more money than the mainstream. But in swing states, Wall Street Dems are still more electable.

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Burlington, Vermont based artist Maddie Laflamme (.ice), infuses her modern pop esthetic with her love for with the illustration ‘Bernie 2020.’
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8 19

Key stat:
Warren has 509,000 donors.
Bernie has over 1 million. Twice the amount of donors that she has.

Bernie is also the only candidate with more individual contributions than Trump.

33 66

They put Beto and Bernie down in the same day. It's sure rough being an underdog.

3 180

Even the energizer bunny needs to change his batteries eventually.

is unstoppable.

7 38

time-lapses us through his creative process of a digitized illustration of .
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6 8

Sometimes I make paintings and then the work itself begs for a story. Check these stories out in my sci-fi and fantasy anthology ✨Otherworldly🍂 vol. 2 over at

7 17

Thanks to , , .May, and for their insightful depictions of the movement. You too can join in by tagging your posts to be featured.

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