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Thanks to @Saawan, @_TayloredDesign, @Paco.May, and @ChrisPiascik for their insightful depictions of the movement. You too can join in by tagging your posts #ArtistsForBernie to be featured.
#ArtistsForBernie #OurRevolution
#BernieSanders #Bernie2020
#NotMeUs #ArtForAll
Super dope fan art by fellow Bernie supporters @jamessteinberg115 @dha_illustrations @erinsjoy & Bae Cutler!
Join the movement by tagging your posts #ArtistsForBernie to be featured.
#BernieSanders #Bernie2020
#NoMiddleGround #OurRevolution
The 2020 Presidential Run that Mr. Yang may have destroyed with meme magic (but it could still happen I dunno) #Trump2020 #Bernie2020 #TrumpTrain #BernieSanders
My #Bernie2020 portrait. A couple of cool kids @kortizart and @sinKEVitch recently posted their take on @SenSanders, my favorite politician, and got me inspired and dreaming of 2020. Progress shots in comments.
CommieKrats! CommieCrats!
#CommieKrats! #CommieCrats!
People who want to destroy capitalism and Christianity by flooding the US with foreign criminals, fake refugees, pedophiles and bestiality
Because Venezuela is Only the Beginning and Who Doesn't Want To Be North Korea?
Hey it worked for the #SovietUnion
Even the Squishy is ready for #BERNIE2020 #feelthebern #bernieorbust #Neltharion #Deathwing #dragon