<3 <3 el Oc de mi tabletita <3 <3 ay :'3

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bozuk tabletimle aldığım bi eskiz... yeni tabletimin gelmesine hala çok var diye idare edicem artık

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Probando la nueva tabletita unu

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grafik tabletim sonunda elime gecti veee biraz alışmak için denemeler yapıyorum

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ゲオルク:creepy bumpsに登場する吸血鬼でカイの祖父。おじ様。作中ではある少女と関わることになる

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Probando hoy la nueva tabletita con este elfo raro

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For those who missed it- last night we released the first weekly update for Doubletime, as well as a random little piece of concept art!! Tune in tonight to watch me code some silly nonsense for Project Thaumia! <3

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Un dibujo rapido de mi Oc✨

Estrenando nueva tabletita o .o

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çizim tabletim ile ilk çizimim🥳

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bu arada cidden her şey pratikte bitiyo çizim tableti olmadan saxece touchpad kullanarak parmağımla yapmıştım ben bu çizimleri https://t.co/t3EEB5UV1F

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•Ya se acabo febrero y eso significa qué hay actualización de la tabletita de precios \:3/
🌸Si les interesa pueden decírmelo en los comentarios o al DM yo encantada 🌸#ComisionesAbiertas

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Ow me encantaría poder tenerla para poder seguir evolucionando con el digital, que nunca he podido tener una tabletita nueva propia 😳💖

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My primary two,
<- Chi Amber ->
both are drawn by @|ShambleTime ♥

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A personality that is comprised of believing your own fate is in your hands and the knowledge of the world empowers you. A cleric of knowledge and wizard of fate!

The character I play in DoubleTime XD

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More of a dog person? Or perhaps you like lunch over dessert? This sushi dog is for you!

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Looking particularly scrumptious over there, blackberry tart cat

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