My Bugsnax reporter fancharacter :)
He goes thru a lot of growth personally during the story through getting to know the Snaktooth island residents and realizes there's more to life than just looking cool and getting a big story

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Bunger with butler shoes and a tie is the best thing I've seen thanks Fangamer for that stream

35 104

I drew my favorite grumpus, Gramble Gigglefunny with his (some) pet
Charwee, Ashwee, Joewee and Sprout <3

I was inspired by Ry-spirit on

1 3

Kinda bug and kinda snack. I've had the song stuck in my head for the past few days.

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Snorpy doodle in Mspaint because fuck you
Also because Snorpy is literally me

2 9

Guys look its the nice Canadian lady :-)
I love Triffany lol

3 10


He's the best character, change my mind, you won't
I love Bugsnax in general PLEASE PLAY IT I BEG OF YOU

10 17

drew me as a Grumpus again, working on ref currently. Hope you all like, it's not a oc sadly as I'm not good at making them. ;v; *drawn with only Crayola colored pencils*

2 7

me and somefriends all got into bugsnax recently. i drew some of our favourites !!

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hi I made this in aggie .io as well

2 25

bunger bunger bunger bunger !!! 🍔🐞🍔

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