I quite liked Way of the Tiger on the C64.
Though I readily admit, it's not a great game. 😋
But it's certainly pretty..

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Still one of the best sword games on the C64..
Coz it's got guns too. 😁

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Today's game comes from the Adventure list and is "Masquerade" for the C64. This text adventure with graphics sees you as a detective struggling on your latest case until you have a big break. Hopefully these new clues will break the case wide open.

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So, there had to be an Impossible Mission 2. I had it on the C64. It's definitely a good game, but IMHO they added too much too it and it feels a little less refined. 🤔 That said, you get to enter a new robot-defended complex and search for access codes. So it fits the brief. 😁

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Episode 1 of the Crimson Twilight companion, 'Lost Realms of Murkasada', will be released soon on the Just some final play testing to be completed before *you* can also start action adventuring!

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Those Ultimate Play the Game game boxes were always top notch. 👍 I remember playing Staff of Karnath early on in my days with the C64. Had a heck of a lot of fun with it, despite old-me having many issues with the game design now. 😋

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Adventures in joystickery again: This time it's High Noon on the C64. You know, I think I've been underestimating in the past just how much of a handicap keyboard control is. Playing this with a proper joystick I can get a ton further than I got with cursor-keys for movement. 🤔

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For my latest adventure in joystickery, it's Mission AD on C64. It's kind of a run-and-gun platformer, where you enter a complex and hunt down several identical-looking characters that show up on your locator/scanner. Nothing complex: run through and shoot anything that moves. 😁

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So, over the x-mas/new year break was a good chance to really dig deep into an old C64 game: Ultima V. IMHO the last of the great Ultima games on the C64. Last time I played it it required disks, lots of them. Now there's an EasyFlash cart version, and it's glorious. No swapping!

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Stealth Fighter! One of my most played games on the C64. Loved the huge manual. I could get past the aircraft identification 9 times out of 10 by memory. The maps and keyboard overlay were brilliant. (Must work out a real C64 keyboard on the PC so I can use the overlay again.) 😁

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I love Raid Over Moscow.
It has one of the best game-ending's you'll see on the C64. 👍

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Buggy Boy!
Loved it on the C64. 👍

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Excellent stream again! Thank all ya'll for tuning in today! Didn't think I'd get this far into this, but sometimes ya just get in the zone!

Maybe next time I'll give Sid a different background than just the C64. haha!

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The C64 version of Buggy Boy is stunningly good.
It's not like any other racing game on the C64. (Well, it's more of a collecting/racing game.) But it's got immaculate presentation, all five tracks from the arcade, and oodles of playability. 👍

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One Man and His Droid was one that I put a *lot* of time into on the C64. 🤔 The C64 version looked a whole lot like the ZX Spectrum version, but had some great SID sound-fx, combined with a foot-tappingly-good Rob Hubbard soundtrack.

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..and the Apple II too, of course.
(It's a good reminder of how much less of an imposition multi-load stuff was on the Apple II when you see how quick levels load on it, after playing Karateka on the C64.) 😁

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Yeah. I had that loading-screen shock as well, the first time I loaded it on my C64. 😮 Great game. 👍

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I'm more worried about the fighter in the front, on the box-art, looking like he's constipated. 😋 ..I suppose we should be grateful that they put some decent effort into porting this one to the C64. Some of the other arcade ports we had around that time were *terrible.* 😐

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Grandpa Richter narrating the events of C64. (Since the OG voice actor of Richter, Scott McCulloh is the narrator in that game)

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Despite the "x is better than y" arguments, I really did enjoy the variety of machines back then. I had my Atari-console friend, my Apple II friend, and my Speccy friend (as well as a few, like me, with a C64.) Also we had Apple II's at school. ..I loved seeing the games on each.

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