Marino Marini - Cavallo e Cavaliere, 1950

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Created as a backup host for the original Da Vinci's memories in the event anything went wrong and she was no longer able to serve as a Servant for Chaldea, Gran Cavallo is an incomplete homunculus awakened after the original Da Vinci's spirit origin is crushed by Rasputin/Kirei.

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Enfin, jusqu'au 1er juin, vous pourrez débloquer la Craft Essence Gran Cavallo ★5 dans l'Atelier de Da Vinci !

Chaque copie coûtera 1000 MP.

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大概是,很有钱的山里的领主初代Cavallone x想把他的钱换成军火库投入mafia混战于是使用了清纯无辜美人计的坏美女Alaude…

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「Caciocavallo Ciana Fan Art」をgiveawayでゲットしました~!!!!🎉🎉🥳🥳✨✨

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[JP] La CE ★5 "Gran Cavallo" est disponible dans la boutique de Da Vinci. Vous pouvez la débloquer contre 1 RP et l'obtenir pour 1000 MB, par copie.

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Venice and nearby cities celebrate St. Martin's Day (November 11th) with a sweet specialty called 'cavallo di San Martino', a horse shaped shortcrust pastry cake covered in chocolate and candies. It can be found in bakeries only for a few days a year 1/2

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La Craft Essence Gran Cavallo ★5 a été ajoutée à l'Atelier de Da Vinci.

Elle pourra être débloquée contre 1 RP, puis obtenue contre 5000 MP (1000 MP par copie). Il n'y aura pas de date limite pour l'acquisition de cette dernière.

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TinyMarket NFT


Caciocavallo Dog

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l'anima e col corpo.
È il grande Odisseo: colui che disse di fare il cavallo
di legno - e gli Achei presero Troia.
M'immagino che venga a insegnarmi come fare un cavallo
di legno anch'io, per conquistare la mia Troia.
G. Seferis - Premio Nobel 1963

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In Chronicle 8 of The YesterFate Chronicles, the Black Seminole Native John Horse aka Juan Cavallo needs help with a daring prison escape, the fate of the Native Seminoles will depend on one unlikely hero.

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A quick Dino Cavallone from KHR.
Draw the fanart your baby self always wished they could do.

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A glimpse of Drago Cavallo (series 2) by Simon Ma, expected to launch after series 1 in October.

Follow us for more updates on NFTs and probably the World’s 1st Museum launch in

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