Berries are red, berries are blue You are the sweetest, I love you..

20 84

Nasturtium the jolly
O ho, O ho!
He holds up his brolly
Just so, just so!

15 103

Sweet-scented, like a dream
Of Fairyland they seem..

13 42

O magic sight, the hedge is white
My scent is very sweet
And lo, where I am come indeed
The Spring and Summer meet

19 62

Cicely M. Barker’s ‘Flower Fairies’ is a treasured possession - belonged to my mother during the War. Wind-Flower is another name for Wood-Anemone, now carpeting our local wood.

1 5

Come, all you blackbirds, bring your wives,
Your sons and daughters too;
The finest banquet of your lives
Is here prepared for you..

13 52

Traveller, traveller, tramping home
From foreign places beyond the foam...

49 143

I will tell the children,
You may take your share;
Come and fill your pockets,
But leave a few to spare...
The Hazel-Nut Fairy

28 80