3. Udah rahasia umum ya kalau hitam/cokelat tua lightingnya kuning/oranye? Nah kita ambil warna itu. Pakai airbrush untuk halusnya, lalu pencil untuk detail. Kalau dirasa terlalu jreng, kita kurangi opacitynya, pokoknya atur aja warnanya~

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More Mini Pixel for the Bloodborne 2 contest of early this year, the Flame Church Sword. =)

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♦️Crime City Nightmare Rell (Legendary)

Early WIP concept of Rell < 3 (all credit for the skin idea goes to ,and the art is mine)

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Nah last step!! Ini paling magical hihi~ bikin layer overlay jangan lupa di clip! Nah kalian pake warna-warna gelap gitu tapi opacitynya turunin sampe dibawah 20%

Ini juga warnanya biasa aku sesuain sama warna bola matanya, tapi yang paling safe menurutku warna yang ini sih 😆

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ALDAAA YAAMPUN MAKASIH CANTIKK😭😭💗💖💕 aaaa aku juga masih blajar, ak kasih tau dikit deh itu sebenernya aku pake layer multiply opacitynya kurangin dikit trus aku hapus ditempat si cahayanya muncul, abis gitu ak tambahin color dodge biar warnanya ga bosen,, aaa maap aneh😭🙏

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Big Pixel Assassins for City Noire, the background is sketch, but the character art is done. =)

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Little Dude 内容間違えていたので上げ直し。ごめ~~ん

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✨🌃The city at night🌃 ✨
Art trade with
Sorry if it looks kinda weird
Hope u like 🌃✨

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The cat with whom something went wrong in the city "N"
Sometimes there is a time when we get confused in our thoughts and problems. But in city H, this happens literally, and residents can sometimes get confused)

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