vent art bc im tired of seeing conservatives use they/thems as fuel for their agenda. There is alot of "friendly fire" in the trans community and it just hurts other trans people. I used to be a transmed when i was young because of this kind of behavior influencing me

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Cap is on the Left and has called out Conservatives before. He quit in disgust when he found out about Nixon. He calls out America for invading other countries. He called out the Military industrial complex and the Drug war.

This was published in 1990. Bush was President

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In 2009 gave the go-ahead to build 10 Nuclear Powerstations under Gordon Brown.

Here’s a list of all the prime ministers who failed to deliver on this plan.

There is a pattern here but I can’t tell what 🤔

2 7

Lesbian dance theorists might not enjoy universal adoration, but between academia, the arts, and their bank accounts it looks like they have the last laugh at jealous conservatives. May they dance on forever!

0 2

I saw Lesbian Dance Theory trending because conservatives think people like me are gettin degrees in lesbian dance, and while i wish that were true im using this to self promo my lesbian dance comic that im making with my silly little comics degree lmfao. This is Starstruck!

2 11

Scroll to the bottom of my post about this and there's like 600 words that's mostly direct quotes from famous conservatives saying the same things the conservative in our comic says.

Strawman my ass.

3 37

This is a running theme with people who claim to be fans of conservatives favorite hippy.

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Conservatives when you show them nature outside of a hunting mentality:

0 1

doggo just did some helping for the Library im Jamestown.

Conservatives cannot ruin the libraries just because they say being gay is a "sin"!

(art by )

1 5

I usually hate talking politics, but this is secretly my favorite bible story, because it directly undermines so many classic talking points of Christian-conservatives

1 3

What is the point in the Conservatives?

How anyone can trust them with anything now is absurd.

Boris Johnson remained as caretaker PM for what? So he could use Chequers for a party.

Your bills will have increased 300% come January.

Do something.

2 6

Lol conservatives are just now angry at the FBI only because they searched Trumps house. Not when they were telling MLK jr. to kill himself or assassinating Black Panther leaders in their sleep, or all the other insane shit they do… Just because of Trump.

2 50

On this day in 1980, Joe D’Amato’s gut-munching Greek splatterfest Anthropophagous: The Beast was released in Italy! The film’s shocking scenes of bloody carnage outraged conservatives in the 1980s, facilitating the film’s prosecution as a dreaded video nasty!

1 20

Conservatives when Bridget has hitboxes are all over the screen (Arcsys was liberal with her range)

4 43

Noah from... Bible Adventures from memory. Listen, was this game a weird cash grab/ propoganda piece for Christian conservatives? Yes. Was it mostly very bad? Yes. Was the Noah's ark game, actually kinda fun? Also yes.

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In regards to the LGBTQ+ representation in this movie, it is small at best (but apparently big enough to make conservatives' head explode). For Disney, however, it's a milestone. Not saying it was Oscar worthy, but for a studio like this, it's a step in the right direction.

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How conservatives can still win the culture war!

Day 44

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Except racist U.S. conservatives, nazis and KKK members which all overlap anyway. Everybody else wouldn't have a problem with it.

Superman | Man Of Steel | DC | DCEU | warner bros. | WB | Superman Smashes The Klan | Henry Cavil | The Batman 2 | Zack Snyder | snyderverse | comics

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GOING LIVE in ONE HOUR! Talking about Louisiana's Senator's Mask Off Nonsense, Former Conservatives Speaks, Special guest comes on to talk about voice feminization, and MORE!

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