Algo se mueve en las nubes. Fenómeno Crown Flash visto en la Cumulonimbus de Broward County, Florida, (Septiembre 03).

By: Henry Cantor.

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ITO Takashi “Rainy Scene of the Lake Asino-ko, Hakone”

In the heavy storm, a man is leading a horse. The gloomy cumulonimbus is leaning over the sky, the trees are creaking, and the grasses are bending and twisting like creatures. (1/2)

More info:

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For the first time in history, a tornado warning has been issued for a likely *fire tornado*.

These are not "firewhirls." This is a rotating smoke plume being ingested into a pyrocumulonimbus cloud that could produce a bonafide fire-induced tornado.

Tornadic wind speeds.

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Cumulonimbus, the cloud traveler.

Let's cloud-travel somewhere nice when this is all over.

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入道雲 - それは夏のサイン
Cumulonimbus Cloud, the sign of summer

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cumulonimbus /入道雲☁️


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Story behind this painting: My three year old, trying to say “cumulonimbus”, ended up saying “Cthulhunimbus”, and I couldn’t let the idea go and here we are. c:

That’s all.

~1hour elapsed time

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Took this shot down in Pembrokeshire last year. I was actually looking to shoot a lighthouse but the billowing Cumulonimbus and broader cloudscape stole my attention! (could do with a click for full pic)

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Symbolic paintings this Good Friday by member Kerry Lisa Davies 'Red Dress' and 'Cumulonimbus in Light'

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Awan pyrocumulonimbus hasil Perang Dunia II yang gelap di langit Jepang, ingin mereka hapuskan dengan awan cumulonimbus di langit yang cerah; masa depan harus lebih cerah, dan harapan muncul dari awan cumulonimbus sebagai perwakilan alam, dihormati, dan diapresiasi.

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Berdasarkan arahan pembimbing saya, Pak Ruly, saya mencoba melihat benang merah yang ada awan cumulonimbus di dalam anime-anime Jepang dan hubungannya dengan awan pyrocumulonimbus culture of catastrophe hasil Perang Dunia II

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>Fondos preciosos
>Realismo Mágico
>Protagonista TEA
>Comfy max
Penguin Highway fue una experiencia religiosa para mí. Ya no pido nada más a esta vida.

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y'know show i said i wasnt gonna post every single wof oc i make? yeah i lied heres two more lol

this is Cumulonimbus and Stratus, two SkyWing siblings who worked as con artists in a small village near the Sky capital. Stratus eventually got caught stealing and was +

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First Flyers

Early flyers were no match for cumulonimbus turbulence

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Beberapa bulan setelah temuan di forum, saya menemukan pemaparan Hosoda mengenai awan cumulonimbus dalam film-film-nya. Dalam NHK Professional, Hosoda memaparkan bahwa awan cumulonimbus adalah simbol pertumbuhan kedewasaan karakter utama. Ini dari Bakemono no Ko.

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Adegan yang paling saya ingat adalah dua adegan ketika Makoto menghadap awan cumulonimbus seakan melihat sesuatu dari objek tersebut. Satu seperti mengadu, satu seperti bersyukur. Yang jadi pertanyaan adalah, kenapa memandangi awan cumulonimbus?

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