¿Cuándo en mi reflejo yo me veré en verdad? / When will my reflection show who I am inside? 🐉

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YMMV, but even with all grotesquely-stylized sexualization aside, the design for Jessica Rabbit has always kind of creeped me out. She looks like a bald-headed alien with two pinholes for a nose and a cut of red cloth draped over half of her skull.

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I do wonder if Rescue Rangers originated from an idea for a tv series based on The Rescuers. Besides the two rescue mice, the dragonfly “Evinrude” reminds me of Zipper. And the sequel in 1990 suggests it was a franchise they had interest in maintaining in some way.

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Yesterday (April 10) was the 80th anniversary of the classic "Donald's Snow Fight" so I came to think of this I made for a French fan site in 2017.

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Great Prince: “I’m here, I’m here…”

Bambi 2
Sai/ Csp (5 hours)

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Mowgli looks and sounds like he's in 2nd grade at most. Totally understandable that he would be fascinated by the first human he's ever seen, but feels weird that they try to project this weird flirty romance on the whole scenario.

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Bravo Oscar… euh Bruno!
Encanto a remporté l’Oscar du meilleur film d’animation !
Félicitations à 🌈, 🦋 et toute l’équipe du film chez ! ✨

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Encanto 🕯ou Raya & le Dernier Dragon 🐉 ?
Injuste que 2 films de Disney Animation rivalisent pour l’Oscar du meilleur film d’animation.
Que le meilleur gagne, même si Luca, les Mitchell vs les Machines ou Flee gagne!

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Please do not use without my authorization but you can share and retweet, thanks!

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Madellaine from Hunchback of Notre Dame 2.

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Miedo al ver Bruno balbuceando y tropezando… casi lo puedo oír / Hey! Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling… it’s like I hear him now 👂🏽#illustration

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