Today is the 70th anniversary of classic "Back to the Klondike" which also means that it's the 70th anniversary of the one and only

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Carl Barks dedica il suo terzo e ultimo olio al capolavoro "Zio Paperone e la disfida dei dollari" (1952).

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Per questo olio Carl Barks si basa su uno schizzo del 1961 destinato ad un gruppo della Harvard Business School, che scelse Zio Paperone come mascotte.

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Agosto 1958. Carl Barks realizza una copertina estiva così bella da essere ripresa da lui stesso per uno dei suoi oli del 1998, e più volte in altri paesi, Italia compresa.

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Happy 88th anniversary, 🥳 Let’s celebrate with a CONTEST where you can win this painted in watercolor.

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Yesterday (April 10) was the 80th anniversary of the classic "Donald's Snow Fight" so I came to think of this I made for a French fan site in 2017.

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I recently began practicing drawing currently testing different styles to find my own. This drawing is an early one and I couldn’t resist throwing in a reference^ ^

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Donald, ever the everyman!

'A Christmas For Shacktown' (Four Color 1952)

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Seems reasonable!

'A Christmas For Shacktown' (Four Color 1952)

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Diesen Monat feiert der seinen 70. Geburtstag. Aber woher nahm die Inspiration dafür?

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My Carl Barks homage from my cartoon caricatures series is featured in an issue of a French Disney Ducks fanzine called !! Be sure to purchase or download it from their website ( 😃🦆


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Today (July 26), it's 65 years since made his debut in "The Second-Richest Duck" - one of my favorite Barks stories!

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In 2001 made a drawing to honor who passed away the year before. And now 20 years later I have made my version of that drawing with bowing in front of an statue instead of the other way around.

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