In My headcanon, GrandDracumon has a secret garden with a gigant white tree who feeds with blood, and also that tree was responsable to making those "Familiar Bats" who Vamdemon & LadyDevimon have. These white bats are GrandDracumon's familiar bats

7 27

¿Sabéis que a Dracumon le encanta gastar bromas?
Tanto es así, que una vez trató de pintarles la cara con un rotulador a las cuatro bestias sagradas (aunque no se sabe si tuvo éxito).

15 115

The artist // The art(s)

I couldn't decide which GrandDracumon put so 😂

1 2

2nd Grand Dracumon Oc sketch X3

8 37

✨ Digitag ✨
Cita tu Digimon, juego, anime y manga favorito y menciona a 3 personas
Me taggeo

Digimon: GrandDracumon
Juego: No he jugado ninguno porque pobre, pero HaMe por trama
Anime: Digimon Xros Wars
Manga: Digimon Xros Wars

Dejo los Tag abajito 💖 >>

3 7

TW: Horny Jail (????)

Well, finally I could finish this 😆
The final two are My favourite 👀💖
And of course I choose GrandDracumon for this because, if humans can have a "middle age crisis" why he couldn't have an "antediluvian age crisis"? 🤷🏻‍♀️

4 22

I had forgotten about Skull Satamon's Jintrix art, it makes this line so much worth it. Grand Dracumon may be lacking an instrument, but I think it's charming voice makes up for it.

1 10

Sinceramente iba a comentar Grandracumon pero viendo que se pueden usar fanmade, postulo a mi RoyalFlymon, estoy un poco demasiado obsesionado con tener dibujos suyos xD

5 14


My recently fanart // How he looks

And yes, I totally forgot to draw his wings, i'm such an idiot XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

0 6

Grand Dracumon's Castle...?👀

3 31

Happy birthday to Kishio Daisuke (), the voice of Tsurugi Zenjirou, Blastmon, Baalmon/Beelzebumon, Mail Birdramon, Dracumon/Yaksamon and others in and Sanada Arata in & Hacker's Memory!


34 112

If Gran Dracumon dislikes the RK due to they stooping Lucemon's plan of creating a new world, maybe Gran Dracumon wants Lucemon to do that. So, maybe in Chronicle X Gran Dracumon simply wanted to create a confusion so Lucemon could do his job, but never thought of doing anything

3 23

So... In ReArise Grand Dracumon was defeated by the Royal Knigths (Jesmon, Duftmon and also help from the player). He hates the RK since they stooped Lucemon's plans of creating a new world. After being defeated he de-evolves into Matadrmon. I can only think of HaMe

7 49

sakyo + dracumon

its perfect level is astamon. that is all

0 0

Grand Dracumon
Demon Beast
Dead Scream
Black Requiem
Crystal Revolution
Eye Of The Gorgon

3 3

Sprites made from requests during the stream!
Dracumon + Patamon + Tsukaimon + Noble Pumpmon + Tailmon + Black Tailmon + Mikemon

30 59

Dracumon es el Digimon más travieso en toda la Dark Área. Por el bien de una broma, no vacilará ante el peligro, incluso si viene acompañado de algún riesgo. Una vez casi pierde la vida tratando de hacer un graffiti en las caras de las 4 bestias…

1 8

Grand Dracumon
Demon Beast
Dead Scream
Black Requiem
Crystal Revolution
Eye Of The Gorgon

1 2