almendroso???? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

1 11

O YB estará presente na Poc Con 2022 ✨

Diego Araujo (criador e editor chefe do Yaoi Brasil) e Juna Pedroso (resenhista do YB) estarão presentes na segunda edição presencial da Feira LGBTQIA+ de Quadrinhos e Artes Gráficas, "panfletando" sobre BL [...]

3 28

Good morning - I hope you slept like a drosophila-stuffed sundew and your roof is where you left it last night - I'm starting with 'Dance of the Wind and Storm' by Thomas Blackshear. Offset lithograph, 1996.

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desculpa peguei três pq sou indeciso KFHDK cê escolhe o que cê quiser, o esquisitão, o maluco roxo e a bebada azul (ou o gato medroso

0 3

Tem o ali se quiser ele é meio agressivo e medroso tem menos de 1 e 45 mesmo tendo 14 anos e bem cuidado ele morde

1 6

faria carinho nesse gato medroso fruto de trend de tiktok?

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New on the Node - SciArt profile: Diego Galagovsky

In our first SciArt profile of 2022, we hear from Diego Galagovsky of . Diego’s cartoons are a must-see for anyone working with Drosophila or in science communication.

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Zenitsu é forte pra caralho e eu amo as lutas dele mas puta q pariu ele me irrita em certas cenas pq ele SÓ DORME e é medroso pra caralho sem motivos pq ele é foda .

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I made a dark background version of my drawing. I like it! Do you?
I am now working on the next prompt for next week and some other fly-related drawings. Keep an eye out for more tweets! 1/3

9 28

New Year, new challenge.

This time is a weekly drawing challenge for the entire year. This first week prompt:

(If you like it, please RT)

1/6 🧵

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Check out our entry for for by the ! In these cartoons, we hope to show the magic behind the fun, some times silly, magical model system that is

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Hi friends, allow me to share ‘the 12 days of Christmas in fruit flies - a thread

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Sending fruit fly hugs to people who can’t be with their loved ones this Christmas

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