Karyaku! Dan saya meminta kau untuk berdiam disini.

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9⁰dia - Passando
Sdds de topcraft não perdia nenhum ep <3
(Não consegui adiantar nenhum desenho tô doente) :(
(Último vídeo do apuh de topcraft e a luta contra o Salazar em Utopia) :D

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First Lucia, Rosmonda & Pia, was born in Rome on 4.10.1807. Between her debut in 1832 and her last appearance in 1859, she performed everywhere preferring Belcanto Operas. Given her extension & dramatic skills she was able to sing a vast pre-Verdian repertoire.

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Alicia ketemu Althaff di sekolah yang KK kembarnya pernah sekolah (SMA)-Alicia ngga sengaja nabrak Althaff karena ngga liat depan-Althaff bilang "kamu ngga apa apa"-Alicia terdiam karena "dokidoki"-Alicia mulai deketin Althaff (meski KK kelas ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ beda 2 thn)

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// yume • ItoJun

📰: [mnatap] "Pipi lo knf,,?"
🌊: [semirik] "Biasalaahh, brantem,,"
📰: "Kata bunda gua klo ada bgian tubuh yg sakit tuh kudu dicium spaya smbuh,,-" [kode]
🌊: "Ogitu y, yawdah ntar biar Bloody Marry yg cium gua,,"
📰: [terdiam mmkan tahu bulat]

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Penasaran, kebingungan, terdiam, dan terkejut.
Ini ekspresi yg oc saya keluarkan ketika menerima surat ajakan masuk ke OSIS.

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Siamo un po' così, cadiamo, precipitiamo, perdiamo pezzi e ci aggrappiamo a quello che possiamo.
Dai vola, vola, volaaaaaaa

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Hola voce tene galleta fav?

Aca ta el mio


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É galerinha demorou mais saiu, a rifa vai ser Dose Dupla, vcs vão ter duas chance de ganhar, e olha esses lindos kits de prêmios.
Ah eu não perdia essa por nada, e além de ter duas chances de ganhar vai me ajudar a ir ao festival Pão e Tinta no Recife-PE.

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