Here is my entry for vivacious.alice ! Hope you like this version of your feminity Goddess ! 💕

Please go check her account, her art is amazing !!
Et voilà ma version du de vivacious.alice ! En espersnt que cette version de sa déesse

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i don't like the idea of tecna being a specialist in fate. she's a fairy tf. just because she doesn't fit the stereotypical mould of a girly girl doesn't make she should be retconed to something most people view as manly. she's always embraced her feminity in the original show.

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Oshun goddess
Goddess of divinity, feminity, fertility, beauty and love, connected to destiny and divination. Goddess of the rivers, streams and natural springs

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I’m make art celebrating black pop culture, music, and feminity! I would use what ever $ to expand my business AND IM YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN!!!! 👀 $TylaMadeIt !

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Bloody feminity (Insane Heartbreak)

Valió la pena que me despertara muy temprano para terminarlo.

🌸 | 🌤️

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The first version is the right one, second one is left where I made the bg use nb colors cus I've come to a conclusion where I accept being referred to as a he, other than she/they, cus I kinda lack showing my feminity here

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Is uterus a thing to define feminity in women? It is for certain a major female hormone-responsive secondary sex organ, and the beginning of any human beings, but it is not what makes a woman, woman. Some don’t have it, it does not make them less of a woman.

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2015 vs 2020
I think I got about 5 hours of sleep in all of 2015 and was a huge weeb who went "I'm not like other girls!!"
2020 me, however? Embraced feminity 100% and has evolved to musical ass

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I remember seeing this statue and going this is the gayest fucking statue I've ever seen- and I fucking want it 😔 I looove the tiny bits of feminity in it argh💯

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Vminkook struggles about feminity part 5!

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Simple feminity doodle.

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Nozomi putting makeup on for Rin,,, Rin who has trouble expressing her feminity,, nozomi mama helps her baby be as girly as she wants,,,, crying

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Ugh Fuck it

<---- BEFORE

*"Oh no!!! I'm really discouraged about my feminity and how I'm not cute!! I'M GONNA CHANGE"*

---> After

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This mu Astrological baby, Venus. She is the regent of Taurus and Libra, so She brings them of their lovely, sweet and kindness aura to their personality. She represent love, beauty and feminity on astrology.

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The Face: An abstract but simple and delicate look of femininity. Watercolour painting on canvas by Krishnakali Mondal. Buy now on Artezaar:

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"Being an actress is the sublimation of feminity” Monica Bellucci -
Andrea Mancini’s VIP Portraits, Posters and Prints all in watercolor, all in affordable art!

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