EXCITING NEWS! My work has been selected by Nadya Tolokonnnikova of as 1 of 10 finalists for her curated Feminist Art show! The art will be minted on Palm network via PalmDAOapp and showcased during an NFTNYC event April 12 NYC, 5-10pm 🖤

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The origin of the universe ~
The surrealistic embryo and ovary allowed me to delve deep into my imagination and experience what it might feel like to carry a lifeform inside your body.
Title inspired by Gustave Courbet 🙌
2 more days to submit✌️

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It celebrates the female body's ability to create and nurture life. Its depiction of an upside-down uterus made up of swirling stars and nebulas symbolizes the infinite potential of creation.

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So excited 😭❤️‍🔥

Just registered for one of my favorite project: Raw Motherhood by !

A meaningful project that doesn’t gloss over motherhood & serve it real ⚡️
Taking back the narrative about motherhood⚔️
THIS is empowerment!

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I know some people love to watch drawing process so I'm adding the video of my very humble project ❤️

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