☀️#FerdibertWeek2020 THREAD☀️
Day 5 // Dreams
Hubert what was your dream about you look so flustered 👀😳💖

139 235

Day 5: Dreams!

Time to go full gay mode boiiiis 😳

Ferdie dreams about Hubie confessing his love even though Ferdie's unsure if he felt the same, but he wakes up to a sweet surprise ❤

150 345

Day 5 & 6 Dream/ Sun
Would he be able to caress the weeping Sun, before everything burns to a cinder?
Disclaimer: It’s just a weird dream of someone who got too high on caffeine. No ministers were harmed in the process.

44 118

☀️#FerdibertWeek2020 THREAD☀️
Day 3 + 4 // Spellcasting/Recovery/Pain/Hurt
Hi I make my CF Ferdinand a holy knight to compliment dark knight Hubert so here’s some healing Ferdie for this week!

56 108

Ferdibert week 8/12: comfort (food)!

*pretends I do not see hurt/pain prompts and draws pancakes instead*

39 83

Even when it tires you, you remain at my side, like the foolish noble you have always been. |#FerdibertWeek2020 3 and 4 Prompts: Spellmaking/Comfort! I combined them both!

9 28

Day 4: Hurt/Comfort
They went to watch soap opera together

212 416

Day 4: Comfort!

I really ran out of ideas for today's prompt. Also trying to get ahead so I don't stress out 😭

96 249

Day 3 : Recovery
Wish I had time to do something proper and finished, but a sketch is better than nothing!!🥺

20 59

It is now day 4 of and the prompt for today is "comfort."

36 118

Day 3: Recovery!

"Ferdinand, stop squirming, stay still, and let me heal your wound."

120 350

Day 4: Hurt/Comfort

What could hurt more than realizing you can't save everyone?

36 131

The prompt for today's is "recovery!" After battle, Ferdinand is hospitalized and Hubert goes to visit.

33 87

Ferdibert week 8/11 spellcasting

“Relax your shoulders more, Ferdinand.”

Huberts forte isn’t faith magic but he can still help ferdie learn proper form to cast heal

47 121