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April 22, 1785: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was raised a Master Mason in the Lodge Zur Wohltätigkeit (Beneficence) in Vienna, Austria.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#Mozart #WolfgangAmadeusMozart #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TheMagicFlute #Masonic #music #classical
April 17, 1790: Benjamin Franklin died at the age of 84 in Philadelphia.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BenjaminFranklin #Philadelphia #FoundingFathers #AmericanHistory #Inventor #Statesman #GrandLodgeOfPennsylvania #PennsylvaniaFreemasonry #Freemasons #otd
Happy Birthday to M.W. Henry Clay, American Statesman and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, born on this day in 1777.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#HenryClay #Ashland #GrandLodgeOfKentucky #LexingtonKY #lexingtonkentucky #Freemasons #masonic
April 12, 1787: Richard Allen organized the Free African Society in Philadelphia, a beneficial and moral reform society among free blacks.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RichardAllen #PrinceHall #PrinceHallMason #PHA #Freemasons #Freemasonry #masonic
April 12, 1926: Paul Foster Case was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Fairport Lodge No. 476 in Fairport, New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#PaulFosterCase #BOTA #BuildersOfTheAdytum #Tarot #Occult #occultart #Magick #NewAge #Freemasonry
April 5, 1886: Rudyard Kipling was initiated an Entered Apprentice (by dispensation) in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, E.C. in Lahore, Pakistan.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RudyardKipling #NobelPrize #Author #JungleBook #Freemasons #Freemasonry
Happy Birthday to Booker T. Washington, born on this day in 1856.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BookerTWashington #CivilRights #Equality #PrinceHall #princehallmason #AmericanHistory #history #Freemasons #freemasonry #masonic #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait
April 4, 1778: Voltaire was initiated into Freemasonry at the Loge des Neuf Soeurs in Paris. He was conducted through the degree by Benjamin Franklin.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#Voltaire #Philosopher #Philosophy #Enlightenment #Freemasons #Freemasonry
April 2, 1870: Buffalo Bill Cody was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, in North Platte, Nebraska.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BuffaloBill #WilliamFCody #BuffaloBillCody #Freemasons #Freemasonry #GrandLodgeOfNebraska
April 2, 1795: Col. John Mitchell was appointed a Deputy Inspector General of the Order of the Royal Secret, a precursor to the Supreme Council, 33° of the Scottish Rite.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#ScottishRite #SupremeCouncil #RoyalSecret #Freemasonry
April 1, 1878: William Robert Woodman became Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.)
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#WilliamRobertWoodman #SocietasRosicrucianaInAnglia #SRIA #SupremeMagus #Freemasonry #Rosicrucians #Magick #Qabalah
March 28, 1972: Walter E. Webber was raised a Master Mason in Casco Lodge No. 36 in Yarmouth, Maine.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#WalterWebber #MasterMason #GrandLodgeOfMaine #MaineFreemasons #MaineFreemasonry #Freemasons #Freemasonry #ScottishRiteNMJ #art
March 28, 1936: General Douglas MacArthur joined the Scottish Rite, receiving the 32nd Degree at Gaumata Consistory in the Philippines.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#DouglasMacArthur #ScottishRite #Philippines #Freemasons #Freemasonry #WorldWarII #WWII
Happy Birthday to M.W. William L. Greene, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#WilliamGreene #GrandMaster #GrandLodgeOfConnecticut #ConnecticutFreemasons #Freemasons #freemasonry #masonic #OES #EasternStar
March 23, 1887: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was raised a Master Mason in Phoenix Lodge No. 257 in Southsea, Hampshire, England.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#ArthurConanDoyle #SherlockHolmes #Sherlock #Freemasons #Freemasonry #UGLE #UnitedGrandLodgeOfEngland
March 22, 1926: Paul Foster Case was initiated an Entered Apprentice in Fairport Lodge No. 476 in Fairport, New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#PaulFosterCase #BOTA #BuildersoftheAdytum #Tarot #Qabalah #Magick #CeremonialMagick #NewAge #Freemasons
M.W. Randal Jager
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Arizona
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RandalJager #GrandMaster #GrandLodgeOfArizona #ArizonaFreemasons #ArizonaFreemasonry #DeMolay #ArizonaDeMolay #DeMolayInternational #Freemasons #Freemasonry #Masonic
March 20, 1853: Albert Pike joined the Scottish Rite when he received the degrees from Albert G. Mackey.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#AlbertPike #AlbertMackey #ScottishRite #SupremeCouncil #HouseOfTheTemple #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #Masonic
today her viewpoint is reflected by many, including myself. Burlington was a Jacobite and Freemason and the decoration of Chiswick House is encoded with such emblems of loyalty.
Happy Birthday to Nat King Cole, born on this day in 1919.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#NatKingCole #music #musician #jazz #album #recording #record #PrinceHall #princehallmason #PHA #Freemasons #freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #celebrity #singer #Masonic #art