Born and raised in Aazrin, Isaresh Juz has spent most of her life there and learnt a lot about plants and their effects.

Artwork by the great

15 82

Isaresh is a card of the level pioneer. If you want to try out a more hybrid strategy, she is a good pick.

Artwork by the great

3 15

Irash is a card of the level warrior. She is one of the few warriors of the Naphas with an effect.

Artwork by the great

6 9

Irash works in a sickbay. There she helps all injured warriors.

Artwork by the great

19 90

This is an aristocrat. It is a council guard of the Arachnids.

This artwork was drawn by the great

1 4

Gruuz Dra is one of many Krogar, who are currently in exile. Their next task will be to kill a rakavor.

Artwork by the great

240 973

Fin is a card of the level warrior. He has a very high movement value.

Artwork by the great

6 19

Kinama is a well-known healer of the Tokala. She is also a member of the Hermetic Order of Akah.

Artwork by the great

4 7

Blancara is a card of the level pioneer. With her high attack value she can destroy you very quickly.

Artwork by the great

2 1

Frallga is a card of the level warrior. For a warrior card she has a very high attack value.

4 6

With her snow-white scales, Blancara looks very special for a Drakir.

Artwork by the great

16 63

When Drax hit the ground again, he made a crater with his fist.

Artwork by the great

15 67

Draska Dra is a card of the level pioneer. With her high defense value of 6 she is a good defensive addition.

Artwork by the great

2 6

Draska is a travel guide of the Naphas. She will take you anywhere if you pay her accordingly.

Artwork by the great

68 240