Part of rhyton - Silver Centaur. Culture: Greek, Period: Hellenistic , 160 B.C, H. 22 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienne
Rt Archaeology & Art

61 161

Peu importe qu'il s'agisse de d'Arsinoé ou d'une autre d'#Egypte ...

Cette intaille en cornaline de est un pur chef-d’œuvre.

10 47

Chickens were not kept for food until the Hellenistic period (4-2nd centuries BC) meaning prior to yhis they existed purely to be, in the words of , lovely sweet hens, proud cocky roosters, and soft peepy chicklettes.

0 5

Depuis leurs médailliers de , les Ptolémée vous souhaitent une bonne journée !👋🤜🤛🤝

Il faut les excuser, ils sont trop nombreux depuis les conquêtes d'#Alexandre jusqu'à la mort de pour être tous présents !👩‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Earrings with ibex head ~ C4th–3rd BCE

These gorgeous wound wire hoops with animal heads were a popular style of Hellenistic earring.

Ibex-head earrings have been found in Egypt, Asia Minor, and Cyprus.

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In 276 BC the Hellenistic king Pyrrhus famously remarked upon departing Sicily, 'Oh what a wrestling ground we are leaving for the Carthaginians and Romans to fight over.' He was proved right when, 12 years later, the First Punic War erupted

Artwork by © Johnny Shumate

11 51

The Nubian/Kushite Kingdom, centered in modern Sudan.
In the Hellenistic period, the Nubian capital was moved to the flourishing city of Meroë, and became major trading partners with the northern Ptolemaic Empire, supplying gold, elephants, and highly skilled mercenaries

27 111

Demetrias is also the source of some of the most amazing painted grave stelai of the Hellenistic period, as well as a slew of wonderful bronze vessels and figurines that were excavated throughout the city

1 7

The spiritual lessons of those Jewish holidays remain. Same reason I call 's Hanukkah post a sinister Hellenistic ploy. That's some kind of trickery, to promote a chanukia with 4 lit candles and no shamash during daylight before the first night of Hanukkah 5780/2019.

1 1

In 276 BC the Hellenistic king Pyrrhus famously remarked upon departing Sicily, 'Oh what a wrestling ground we are leaving for the Carthaginians and Romans to fight over.' He was proved right when, 12 years later, the First Punic War erupted

Artwork by © Johnny Shumate.

13 62

Very interesting ring with a relief depicting three Dionysiac figures, including Silenus on the left. Hellenistic, 3rd C BCE.
It's interesting, because the frame of "medallion" is interrupted, then another part of it is added. Such inaccuracy is remarkable for Greek goldsmithery

4 3

Ludovisi Gaul, 2nd century AD Roman copy of a Hellenistic original ca. 230-20 BC.

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Here’s a contemplative Goku from the afterlife in the pose of a Hellenistic sculpture

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The winged victory of samothrace is an amazing hellenistic statue realized during the 2th century BC. It was discovered during the 18th century and has... No head. It's not stopping me from doing a funny face on it hahaha

2 4

In 276 BC the Hellenistic king Pyrrhus famously remarked upon departing Sicily, 'Oh what a wrestling ground we are leaving for the Carthaginians and Romans to fight over.' He was proved right when, 12 years later, the First Punic War erupted.

Artwork by © Johnny Shumate

27 80

For I usually recommend podcasters. Today I’m recommending artists whose works depict the ancient world:
(Roman North Africa)
(From Mesopotamia to the Hellenistic East)
(The Alexander Romance)

6 14

Victoire de Samothrace
Musée du Louvre

Marble Hellenistic sculpture of Nike (the Greek goddess of victory), that was created in about the 2nd century BC

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Terracotta Bust of Ariadne ~ Etruscan C3rd BCE

This gorgeous bust wears a veil and wreath of vines and berries, suggesting the potential of a divine union with Dionysos.

Hellenistic in style, the sculpture also has traces of polychromy hinting at a vibrant original.

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A stunning Hellenistic head surely of Aphrodite found in the bouleuterion in / Smyrna although described as “head of a woman” in the museum

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The sculpture (c. 2nd cent BCE/1st cent CE) may be Hellenistic or a later copy. It highlights the grief of Trojan priest, Laocoön, as two killer serpents rise from the sea after he rejects the notion of the Trojan horse as a gift

1.Vatican Museum2.Alessandro Allori 3.Marco Dente

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