Don't forget when you think about focus in 1/10 at 1pm!They flourish in (specially in areas which aren't farmed intensively). I've seen and over the years.

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in I've seen lots; recently I've spotted a and watched Let's make this county for them. focus in 1/10 at 1pm

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is a good place to find (#Wildlife focus in 1/10 at 1pm);this spring I found and lots of others in a local We need to preserve these rich and rare habitats, people

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Fast forward for - new Herefordshire showrooms soon to open, a return to in 2 weeks and a fabulous new website - see our preview

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Has Elvis left the building? New works by Claire Griffiths and Belinda Hopkins for h-Art 18 - Gallery Hopkins Griffiths Festival exhibition Art week

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Don't miss the next two Discussion Evenings coming up!
WEDS 30TH MAY - 'Creating a Happier Healthier Herefordshire'
WEDS 6TH JUNE - 'How do we get the council we deserve? Should parties be working together?'
Discussion Evenings, The Left Bank Village, Wednesdays, 7.30 - 9.30pm

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I love the skies that we get over Leominster! They are so much fun to try and capture in watercolour. This is on a fabulous piece of saunders waterford paper. Hope that you have all had a wonderful day!!

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Saw a fabulous sky this morning whilst walking the dog. Had to have a go at painting it!!

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Thank you , you've introduced me to a new bird. A Hawfinch. Judging from the map on your wonderful website, they may be around here in so I am going to keep a look out.

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Another beautiful sky over this evening. on wonderful Saunders Waterford paper

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most of the I do of grow in lovely Herefordshire, a grt place to go looking for

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Look out for a retrospective of our films at this year's Festival in Herefordshire

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Proposal for innovative pilot project at rural church to provide tourist accommodation

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Had a great time this morning, drawing the beautiful people of Leominster in Getting ready for

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Today we're delighted to be celebrating 1 year of supporting & businesses

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Hazy days in Herefordshire ... Black Mountains last week ...

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