Ludwig Hirschfeld - Mack (Germany-Austrlia, 1893 - 1965), Story of a shell, 1940

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On this date, 1954: Colliers magazine included three great Hirschfeld works
On the cover: TV Totem Pole
Ernest Hemingway
Humphrey Bogart


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12 Authors on YouTube With Writing & Publishing Tips by Leila Hirschfeld via

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"A writer is a world trapped inside a person." Al Hirschfeld

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Hace unos años, quemé un disco con puras versiones de «Over the rainbow» y, para la portada, usé tres caricaturas de Al Hirschfeld y yo dibujé otras tres en su estilo. A ver;¿quiénes son los personajes? Y para expertos en caricatura, ¿cuáles son los Hirschfeld originales?:

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No need to leave home to take an illustrated tour of what we call the Hirschfeld Century. July 15th at 8 pm for . You will see old favorites & discover many new ones. Also hear great stories about Hirschfeld's life and work. Please join us!

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© Albert "Al" Hirschfeld (American caricaturist, 1903 - 2003)

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ken sugimori kenji watanabe al hirschfeld martiros sarian

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New-York Historical Society receives promised gift of more than 100 works from the Elie and Sarah Hirschfeld collection

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When Hirschfeld returned to printmaking in 1969, his first project was a suite of lithos of different dances and poses, simply titled RHYTHM. Here are a few for

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Hirschfeld's 1st drawing for the The New Yorker appeared on this date, 1993, after a 56 year ban from the magazine 😱

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…is of a 1990 caricature by Al Hirschfeld called “Satchmo!” Read about it here:

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“Can-Can” by Al Hirschfeld, 1967.

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Happy birthday, Elizabeth Taylor! In Hirschfeld's account books, the first drawing of Taylor was credited as "young girl" for the film National Velvet

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Hirschfeld gets political. "Peace in Our Time", from this date, 1939

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지도(map) 그림에 관심이 많아 팔로우 하는 계정이 있는데, 오늘 일러스트레이터 Al Hirschfeld의 기일이라고, 기념으로 그분이 젊으셨을때 (무려 80년 전) 작업하신 뉴욕 지도 이미지를 게시했다.
대학원때 과제로 내가 인터뷰했던 분. 전화번호부 찾아 편지와 내 작업샘플을 보내드리고 인터뷰 요청

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2002: 's LA BOHEME. One of Hirschfeld's last cast drawings and Luhrmann's last Broadway show before

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