In the pre-reform House of Commons was well-represented: 14 boroughs returned MPs though on limited franchises. Thomas Pitt found at
"The corporation consists of 16 persons, 2 of them were sick, 1 of them was run away for debt"

7 12

"his choice of words was perfect, his voice beautiful, & his way of putting aside the question when he chose, & fascinating the minds of men, astounding."
Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire, on Pitt the Younger born 1759

3 5

Married 1747 John Wilkes & Mary Mead. Mary's property enabled Wilkes to refashion himself as squire of & gave him an entrée into
The marriage didn't last.

3 6

Born 1645 George 'Judge' Jeffreys, notorious for his role in the Bloody Assizes following the Monmouth Rebellion. James II made him his lord chancellor. He tried to flee in disguise at the 'Glorious Revolution' but was caught in

11 22

1791 the long-awaited clash between Burke & Fox took place in in the debate over the Bill. Fox broke down in tears over their falling out:
"frequent effusions of tears, choked & embarrassed his utterance for a great part of his speech"

8 10

"To the objects of oppression he is prodigal of pity, yet penurious of relief; & to its authors, ready to condemn yet unwilling to chastise"
Edmund Burke castigating Charles James Fox in the debate in on the French Corps Bill 1794

5 18

"his beard was unshaved...his nightgown was old & dirty; the collar of his shirt was open...the knees of his breeches were unbuttoned; his stockings were ungartered & hung low upon his legs; his slippers were down at the heels"
Charles James Fox in mode

5 17

Died 1806 Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire: incomparable icon of culture, fashion & politics

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(1/2) Although spokespeople had existed before, the first official 'Speaker' of the House of Commons was elected in 1377?

His name was Sir Thomas Hungerford, and you can read his bio here...

6 9

New character on the block: William Villiers, 2nd earl of (here with his sister).
He & his countess didn't get on & in his will he showed it, leaving her 1 shilling for "sufficient reasons not proper to be mentioned".

9 12

‘Opposition are in great want of a leader & a general system. One set are so candid, another so violent, a third so dissatisfied, that the scene is dreadful'
John Calcraft MP to the earl of Chatham 1771

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19 Mar 1649: The Commons abolish House of Lords as 'useless & dangerous to the people of England'

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Between 1714 and 1721 there were 5 chancellors of the exchequer. In spring 1721 the role, combined with the office of 1st lord of the treasury, returned to Robert Walpole (who had held them before 1715-17).
He kept them for the next 21 years

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1764 debated the issue of general warrants in response to the Wilkes affair. Several MPs, normally supporters, deserted over the issue

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Hard on the heels of William & Mary's proclamation as King & Queen 1689 there began a major of the great offices of state, clearing out the majority of James's old ministers & functionaries

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He had "no consideration on earth but for what was useful to his own ends. You have heard me say that I thought he had no malice or rancour; I think so still... But I think he has no feeling, neither, for anyone but himself."
Charles James Fox born 1749

1 4

Prior to the Convention meeting 1689 some feared the bishops might be pushed out of the Lords:
"the 1st vote will be the exclusion of the bishops out of The bps in general are not pleased & the Or[ange] mob are equally dissatisfied with them."

4 10

1766 the marquess of Rockingham urged the king to offer Pitt the Elder a place in
"the events of yesterday in the House of Commons have shown the amazing powers & influence which Mr. Pitt has whenever he takes part in debate"

7 14

"His Majestie was Graciously pleased to tell them:
He was at the head of the and would do what was fitt to be done" [Morrice Entring Book]

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Horace Walpole was encouraged by the new parliamentary intake:
"The rising generation does give one some hopes... The young William Pitt has again displayed paternal oratory. The other day, on the commission of accounts, he answered Lord North & tore him limb from limb"

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