One of my favourite things on is this hand-written, largely hand-illustrated manuscript by Stephen West Williams and Harriet Goodhue. Check it out here on : via !

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“We have uncovered a new American scientist and artist..." Read about Anne Wollstonecraft's botanical masterpiece via, and see it here via .

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Catesby also sent seeds and plants from North America--like this Mayapple--to the nursery owned by Thomas Fairchild. Read more here: via via

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Happy Through an grant we were able to produce the first (and only) English language version of Agostino Scilla's 1670 book, Vain Speculation Undeceived by Sense. Download it for free here

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Some more to round out the day. This piece for the Thomas Say Entomological Society at Purdue University, also has a flavor to it. Look at that lil' firefly go.

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The iconographic collection gathered by the Dutch naturalist Johannes van Berkhey, was acquired in 1785 by the The collection intended to be a compilation of the natural world known until then, consisted of more than 9,000 plates

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When Stephen W. Williams needed illustrations for his manuscript, he asked his wife, Harriet Goodhue! Check it out here: via .

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But in times of Darwin and popularisation of the natural sciences, exotic and extinct animals made their way not only into public consciousness, but also popular culture & Christmas cards /6

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Cannot help but think this anthropomorphic mollusc slightly Carrollian: A book about The Oyster, "at home" and "on its travels", and "at its journey's end" (with unexpected health benefits!)

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In the archives of the Farlow Reference Library of Cryptogamic Botany at , there is a curious volume of 249 original watercolors of Why is this sketchbook important to the history of mycological research? 🍄

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Governor Hunter's drawing was later used as the basis for an engraving in David Collins' "An account of the English colony in New South Wales". from 2nd ed. (1804) in via :

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Two for the price of one! Michaelmas Daisies (left) and Amaranth (right) are both in bloom in my part of the world. Michaelmas Daisies (Aster amellus) are named for the feast of St. Michael, which is observed on September 29.

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It's Datura (also known as Jimsonweed, Locoweed, Devil's snare, and Hell's Bells) appears in this 16th century herbal by Cristóbal Acosta; via and . See more here:

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Through J.D. Hooker, botanist William Henry Harvey received algal collections from expeditions to the Pacific and southern hemisphere, which he described and illustrated in "Nereis Australis" (1847-49), in via :

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Fun fact: Mark Catesby taught George Edwards how to etch so that he could produce the plates for his "A Natural History of Uncommon Birds" (1743-51). Explore Edwards' work for thanks to :

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It has all your faves, from Arago to Gauss

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Remembering French paleontologist Marcellin Boule His study of Neanderthals in the early 1900s is often pointed to as the source for the creatures' brutish image

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Happy from our collections! If you're experimenting with amplified sunlight today (like Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier), be sure to protect your peepers.

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