New Archeopteryx is a transitional fossil that has traits of modern (body covered with feathers and hollow bones) and (teeth and long bony tail). Plate by Alegría Álvarez Barrés, ca.1990, Archive MNCN.

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Centaurea amblensis was described by Graells in 1859. It differs well from other centaureas for its numerous flowers pink, which in the other species are scarce and yellow. The drawing of the species was made by a former director of

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Pedro (1711-1786) fue el primer director del Era un apasionado coleccionista, uno de los mayores conocedores de historia natural y miembro de las más prestigiosas sociedades científicas de su tiempo, incluida la .

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The iconographic collection gathered by the Dutch naturalist Johannes van Berkhey, was acquired in 1785 by the The collection intended to be a compilation of the natural world known until then, consisted of more than 9,000 plates

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