The thick air smelled of sulfur, rot, and mycelium. Annika took a moment to contemplate the scene with her human senses, before casting away the glamour of a human girl. She was finally alone. Her belly was full of fresh blood. The Witch of the Bog was back home.

10 30

"Sell your soul" they said, promising Dana fortune, and youth. They did't tell her about decay, and shadow tendrils reaching through dimensions to claim the - freshly souless - body. She tried to outrun the titan, but suddenly she was just an empty husk.

6 17

Monster appetite
calls for frankenfood. Just don’t
inspect too closely.


4 15

Impossible geometry of Rob's dreamscapes would begin to creep up on him in the waking hours as well. Carhedrals within cathedrals. Afterimages burnt on the insides of his eyelids would superimpose on the images of "reality", adding meanings. Twisting understanding.

4 22

"I am but a dragonfly" she spoke softly beckoning Theo to approach her through the marsh. "Born an underwater nymph, destined to soar the skies. But first..." she paused.

Her compound eyes mesmerised him. He stood still, as she plunged her mandibles into his neck.

4 17

First thing they found was a mess of undulating tendrils sprouting from the cracks in the pavement. Assimilating all organic and unorganic matter the thing would grow expedentially. Then it started to absorb light. All of Poznan was submerged in twilight.

7 29

Gregory didn't feel like he had been offered eternal life. No. The way he saw it, death was stolen from him.

Without its reassuring presence he was torn between sonder and solipsism. Passers-by reduced to wraiths, insignificant shadows vanishing in an eyeblink.

5 22

Tommy would stare for hours at the grimoire. Strange cursive writing made no sense, but they had a certain harmony to them. Then suddenly he knew. Not letters! Notes!

He plugged his guitar into the amp and started shredding. He felt THEM pushing through the veil.

8 80

With a whisper in your nightmare, the hounds begin the chase. In anthropomorphic witchery I ride with the Hunt. Skin shredding to bone, I take my beastly form. This night I will convoke the spoken secrets of your soul

14 28

Set your reminders & tune in this weekend!

Mrremoraman’s Short Story Readings - Saturday @ 9pm:

Necro’s Poetry Corner - Sunday @ 1pm:

PG Patey’s HorrorPrompt Awards & Twisted Tweets - Sunday @ 8pm:

7 15

The house lies in a state of ruin, untouched by the community around it. The family that lived there were brutally murdered, and in the basement a grisly sight of blood and gore filled the room... Everyone says evil lives in that house, and evil does

9 34

"What fucking neurosis sends a 45-year old man running to hide in the closet whenever there's thunder?" - Eric's wife complained.
Their penthouse overlooked LA.
It wasn't thunder that terrified him. It was the angels, revealed in the night sky by lightning.

9 41