Bifurcating the
god of destruction and wrath
that made others cry.

Well, it be dumb if I didn’t do my own 🤣🤣

1 4

Recon Ghosts whistle
as One person. Each hates
You. Greedy people ~🌹⚔️

💘 🔥☄️🔥😈👹😈🔥Titled:

5 10

no. 463: angina

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


9 14

Holiday Destination
you'll never leave, friend.


4 11


Onyx laughter rings

to funeral parlor you

in midnight reverie...

📷@ jaimemmunn

34 118

no. 459: devious

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


13 21

no. 458: eye gouge

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


16 17

no. 448: ectoplasm

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


9 10

no. 446: drake

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


15 23

no. 442: slackwire

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


11 11

no. 440: zoanthropy

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


14 21

no. 437: druid

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


13 22

no. 436: machination

Take inspiration from the prompt, write a horrifying haiku and tag your work with &

Thanks to for today's prompt!


9 15

Monster appetite
calls for frankenfood. Just don’t
inspect too closely.


4 15

By the hellish host
My music long since silenced
Strains of dark night play

Art: Babette Van den Berg

7 17

harvesting virtues
sharpen the edge of the scythe
bring in the sheaves

3 9

The wine tasted off
in it caused a cough
And I became moth

4 11