<AYAKA NATION 2019>オフィシャルグッズ & ももクロガチャ

あーT 3700
バスタオル 4500
ペンラ 3000
イヤリング 1500
サコッシュ 2500
タンブラー 2800
弁当箱 3500
ハンカチ 1500
生写真50パターン 1000
ガチャ22種 各300
パンフ 2000
HRCパーカー 7000
HRCピンズ 2800

168 490


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で有名な株式会社HRCさまが販売している 」👙💕


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Yupper Marilyn, exactly. It's all part of the war between the Satanic Deep State/CIA.MI6 Forces of HRC and the God supported Invisible State/Q Forces of Trump.
A Battle of Evil vs Good

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Hi babes! Bambi here!

Just want to remind you that this is a safe space 🤗

Remember that no matter what you identify as or prefer, no matter how you dress or express yourself, or who you love, you are valid and we love you.

1 1

Trump funds the government for three months and he's a genius! Bernie Sanders shits on Democrats and he's the Dem Leader. HRC writes a book:

55 90

ヤマモトレーシング CB1300SF
モノサス化、 エンジン位置変更、フレーム加工によるバンク角増大とCBの形をしたコーナリングの化け物

298 486

Trump shamelessly parroted a widely debunked conspiracy theory that HRC's campaign benefited from massive voter fraud. A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!

315 428

Wong wrote an op-ed that is less pertinent to 18C and the US than Bill's op-eds. Tim S and the HRC are North Korea-style thought police.

15 25

Trump & his surrogates Giuliani & Gingrich are attacking HRC for being cheated on. They have 9 wives between them.

424 377