I’ll be at IX Arts in Reading, PA from Wednesday, October 23rd through Sunday, October 27th... come by the Main Show and say hello!! https://t.co/h1URajjuEg

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I finished "The Will to Soar" for my patrons, and yikes never needed 20+ work in progress saves before! Definitely the most challenging piece I've ever taken on. Looking forward to a change of pace, next.

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This beautiful and affordable Jerboel from Anthony J. Schmidt is available!

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Just added these beauties from Anthony J. Schmidt to the site, all at $100 or less!

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Anthony J. Schmidt has Donny Nova painting available to go home with you!

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Just added this gorgeous new watercolor painting Jerboel from Anthony J. Schmidt to the site!

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Finally finished an old I had been playing with for years. I call it "colorprayer" used .t.webster brushes of course! https://t.co/mNF568QE7F

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“Grip and Instill”
Oil on panel, 8x10”, 2018.
Continuing to paint some of my fav birds.

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"It Started With a Beautiful Spark...”

oil and flopsweat on canvas, 8″ x 10″

Created for 2018′s challenge. I strongly suggest checking out the other amazing entries.This week’s prompt was ‘beauty’.

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Friday! Here’s December and November. See you at Dragon Con!

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