aren’t these jackgyeom ¿

3 8


Loving the new art from @/Jackgravity so much! Might mess around and have to eventually make merch!

Also! Charity event in an hour everyone! Make sure to stop in!

2 15

Some kind of experimental piece with my jackgosi amalgamation

5 15

And here they are, the boxing hotties from the animated Kangaroo Jack movie, Roxanne, Monique and Shanelle, better known as The Three Graces ;) I called them like that, hehe

1 9

🎨: @/Jackgravitty

0 8

Can never get enough Chibi art 🥰

Part of a commission the crew did!

🎨 @/Jackgravitty

0 15

Cool, calm, and collected


6 22



0 49

He's nothing more but a dark smokey spirit that follows Y/N everywhere they go. Go near then, you'll feel sick to your stomach and have negative thoughts about them.

0 13

I'll think of a better name for him in the future. For now its Midnight Jack

He's the spirit that'll make others stay away from Y/N. Making them isolated and relie on him only.
I'll be using him as a hunter for a comic later this year

0 11

A little rendition of Jack Garland from
Stranger in Paradise- Final Fantasy Origin (*♡▽♡*)

4 6

No, I didn’t know Stefan Savic was a count either 🤷‍♂️
Every days a school day.

1 79

more cringe art :,D

Close to OG style attempt altho its probably just the face. Boyfriend shirt. thus it counts as jackgosi.
I say. Enjoy.

115 483

Jackgosi week day 3
Theme: Angst, Comfort, Rainy day
Always feels good to kiss your lover after class, even in not so great weather.

12 44

Morning =A=
I wanted to draw a pic every day for the puppy kennel but Health
I Drew this while having fever.
Kinda messed it up.
I might manage some more... maybe something better. Maybe sketches. IDK. enjoy anyway I hope

277 1327

Happy Birthday Legosi!
Looks pretty rough since my pen pressure is still bad but hopefully I can fix it soon.

17 54