Info kosan bebas suara lato-lato, langsung komen yak!

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Older OCs:
They've all appeared in their respective titles. Most of them are currently stuck in komiks limbo and awaiting for their next book to come out.

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Hi, I'm Dark Chapel. One of the founding fathers of Silent Sanctum Manga (SSM!). 2022 had been quite a good year to me, I started making komiks again after a long-ass hiatus. And here are the results of it:

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Merry Christmas to everyone that went/read along with every Sunday of 2022. And as a way of saying thanks, please enjoy this back-to-back episode. Ep 17-18 respectively!

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7 Komikeros and Komikeras are always depicted as rich AF entrepreneurs and tycoons in Because in 2025, all AI companies had to pay reparation damages to ALL forms of artists. Thus resulting in their abrupt bankruptcy.

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hej! rok ma sie ku koncowi, wiec pomyslelismy o malym kosmicznoekspedycyjnym podsumowaniu 2022 i zapowiedziach na 2023!
kosmiczna ekspedycja kube w 2022 to:
-ok. 150 obrazkow wrzuconych na komputer,
-3 zupelnie wlasne komiksy puszczone drukiem,

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This year was the year I came back to make komiks. This might seem like a big deal to some but there was a pretty long period when I stopped and felt really burned out about it. Be it from certain individuals or an overall feeling of betrayal from so-called friends/brothers.

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