10: Voluntarily cutting one's hair (or more commonly with a top-knot) is deeply rooted
in Japanese & Asian culture. This symbolizes a person's cutting ties(literally and figuratively) with someone
or an organization, rejection of current social status, job, or title.

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Drakuline is a 180-year-old vampiress who just got kicked out of their ancestral castle by her own grandpa. It was intentionally set in the Philippines out of convenience and so that I could introduce known or obscure facts from our country. Most of them are here:

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The myth about vampires and mirrors.
Old mirrors were made with silver. Modern ones are made with aluminum. Silver is considered to be a holy metal (Judas' 30 Silver Coins) and is said to be the kind (when fashioned into bullets) that could kill werewolves.

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7 Komikeros and Komikeras are always depicted as rich AF entrepreneurs and tycoons in Because in 2025, all AI companies had to pay reparation damages to ALL forms of artists. Thus resulting in their abrupt bankruptcy.

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6 Tikbalangs are mythical creatures from
the Philippines that are half man and half horse.
In most rural areas, they could play tricks
on travelers and make them lose their way. This
is easily countered by turning your shirt inside out
which in turn confuses them.

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6: Fap material from the '90s came in the form of sexy calendars. Be it from hard liquor or cigarette companies. Every barber shop and truck driver had to had one displayed in prominent view. The most iconic/famous one at the time was this Cristina Gonzales one.

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Despite having cashless transactions, the beasts/ monsters in still prefers to be paid in coins.
An old tradition that they still practice in 2025.
This is no different than paying Charon The Ferryman.
Or asking for a favor/weapon in the John Wick movies.

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