¡Día de la Candelaria! ¡Día de comer tamalitos en México! ¡Les comparto unos cuántos dibujos incluyendo tamales que he hecho aquí y allá!

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Hoy es Día de la Candelaria, vayan y paguen sus tamales.

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There is no such thing
as a sexual relationship
because one’s jouissance
of the Other, taken as a body,
is always inadequate – perverse,
on the one hand, insofar as
the Other is reduced to
object a, and crazy
and enigmatic
on the other.

Jacques Lacan, Encore, Seminar XX

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นึกได้ว่าลืมลง post card ลายไว้แจก จะแจกงานไหนรอติดตามกันนะคะ❤️

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“There’s no such thing as a desire to know. I will state that what makes what we call ‘human relations’ bearable is not thinking about them.”

Jacques Lacan, Encore, Seminar XX, On Feminine Sexuality, The Limits of Love and Knowledge

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The Lacan Circle will present two seminars on the work of Jacques-Alain Miller this semester:

https://t.co/HcbFwrLNmg https://t.co/oVDSLLCR0B

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“Even when the domestic bond is sublimated, the imago of the maternal womb continues to play an important psychic role in the life of the subject.” Jacques Lacan, Family Complexes, 1938

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Not written by me, but I draw it, so:

A baby loses his parents to an ancient evil and a shaman of a lost tribe of Maya people finds and adopts him. Raised in the depths of the Lacandon Jungle, the boy grows into the Jaguar Warrior. A Mesoamerican epic with Maya deities and all.

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“If it wasn’t for language that introduced being, the whole of being, where would this idea come from? I don’t know if man would think that he is if it weren’t for the word ‘being’.”

Jacques Lacan, The Lacanian Phenomenon

Art by Venus Mansion with apologies to Michelangelo

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Jacques Lacan on his paper ‘The Lacanian Phenomenon’: “It’s obviously a weakness to have accepted this title.”

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VTV Fun Fact

One of Jinouin's titles is "The Contact", a being who is able to communicate with the gods that created the current world of VTV. This is a reference to Xenogears' Abel (and his reincarnations Kim, Lacan, Fei) title and role as the Contact in their game.

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“Furthermore, the satisfaction of need appears here only as a lure in which the demand for love is crushed, throwing the subject back into a kind of sleep in which he haunts the limbo realm of being, letting it speak in him.” Jacques Lacan, Écrits

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“The objet a is something from which the subject, in order to constitute itself, has separated itself off as organ. This serves as a symbol of the lack, that is to say, of the phallus, not as such, but in so far as it is lacking.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar XI

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“The subject is the entire system and, perhaps, something in the system. The Other is the same, he is constructed in the same way, and this is why he is able to relay my discourse.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar V, Formations of the Unconscious https://t.co/sjeC7Osdot

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“The man places the woman at the basis of his fantasy, or constitutes fantasy through the woman. What is now exposed is a carrying over onto the woman of the difficulty inherent in sexuality itself.” Jacqueline Rose, Feminine Sexuality, Jacques Lacan and the école freudienne

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Coelacanth and pilotfish under a glistening moon ✨ tattoo design for my pal !

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“I am saying that the subject, whilst it remains the subject, functions only when divided. Indeed, that is the whole import of what I establish.” Jacques Lacan, My Teaching

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Oh boy, sneaks up on me every year!

I’m KC, I love doing character focused portraits and illustrations, as well as maps and tokens for TTRPGs! Hoping to share more art this year! ✨✨

✉️ ceelacanth.com
📷 https://t.co/Pn8pn2YXEd

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“Stated otherwise, the truth of desire is in and of itself an offence against the authority of the law.”

Jacques Lacan, Seminar VI, Desire and Its Interpretation

Available everywhere including here: https://t.co/Sw19WDzKv0

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