...And that's the extent of the conversation. Off to school!

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Her desktop is just hilariously huge, the desk must be straining under the ewight.

Also there's very little music in this show but what we do get is so good at setting the mood.

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I've never been clubbing so I'm going to assume this counts as a rousing success for your first time.

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Lain's hat is very cute, also I love that this is the closest thing she could imagine to clubbing clothes

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Lain can barely form a full sentence in under 10 seconds when talking to others but sure take her out clubbing, that's the logical first step.

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"I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, Help me to breathe, I am hurting, I have lost it all, I am losing, Help me to breathe"

But god what an OP it is, Duvet is one of the all-time greats.

1 10

The ED is by faaaaaaaar the less memorable theme, other than the nekkid Lain

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The character designs in this show are even more hideous than I remembered but Lain herself definitely remains a Cute

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Bear transformation begins, 9.8% complete

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