Before cell phones when an emergency call came, we dropped the phone and ran to help.

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I guess music lessons could have paid off, if I paid attention.

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I enjoy a long road trip, as long as I am driving. Published in VIA Magazine July/August 1998.

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I had food delivered in March and April. So grateful the service was available in NYC.

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We really need to change more homes to renewable energy.

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Try to get the life stories out of your elders. Learn history from the ones who lived it.

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A lot of us miss dining out. On the other hand, my home cooked meals have gotten much better.

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Farm life is so appealing right now. I know planting seeds is only the start.

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Big business has been merging for a while. While it may have brought lower prices is also brought less options.

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I don't have a green thumb but if I did, this tree would be in my backyard.

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Kraft Heinz should consider using art for advertising again instead of...

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Having trouble falling asleep. Here are some sheep to count.

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Sailing on a Sunday, a great social distance activity.

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One for Throw Back Thursday - Did you play with Paper Dolls?

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As I kid I loved junk mail. I realize it is a waste of paper but it also income for the Post Office.

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If we worked together in time things will be better.#TimLewisArt

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