Librarium Statics Upcoming release preview!

Soulless Minions as suggested by Luckie17!

Join us today to access hundreds of static and animated battlers & suggest your own to be created!

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Librarium Statics Upcoming release preview!
Human Soldiers as suggested by Kneeshaw Developments!

Join us today to access hundreds of static and Animated battlers & suggest your own to be created!

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Librarium Animated Upcoming release preview!
Thunder Dragon Tcharg as suggested by Gregaur-X!

Join us today to access hundreds of Static and Animated battlers & suggest your own to be created!

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Gnolls as suggested by DeathMetalBard!
An upcoming release on patreon for Librarium December releases !
All static and Animated Librarium releases have 4-dir Map sprites available as part of reward sets!
Join us today!

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Elemental Knight Heroes preview Ver. As suggested by William Richard over at patreon!
Stay tuned for this Librarium Statics release on the 31st!

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Dark Chaser preview Ver. as suggested by Kneeshaw Developments!
An upcoming Librarium Animated release for our patreon community! Stay tuned!

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Greater Mimik preview Ver. as suggested by SiGxGiS, an upcoming Librarium Animated release over at patreon

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Librarium November 2020 Static and Animated releases!
Thank you to our wonderful patreon community for making this possible!

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Another of Librarium's November 2020 base releases, Darkness Dragon Yrogerg as suggested by Gregaur-X!

Join our community and add this creature your projects today!

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Coming to Librarium Animated November 2020 releases!

Gharl’Worn the Drowned one as suggested by Charles W. over at patreon!

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Coming to Librarium this month as part of the November 2020 First Update Cycle Animated Battlers!

Animated Darkness Dragon Yrogreg as suggested by Gregaur-X!

Join us today!

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A Speedy camel will be joining the ranks of Librarium 4-direction Map sprite rewards today!

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First MZ test with Librarium creatures!
Librarium has a library of over 1,200 battlers available at your disposal for commercial projects!

Check out Librairum's free ultrapack to access a roster of over 900 RPG assets today!

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The 24th draws near! a new megapack is nearby!

Upcoming free Librarium Animated megapack! Stay tuned!

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Have you incorporated Eldritch Corruption battlers into your projects yet? One of Librarium's largest archetype with over 30 creatures, including statics and animated bosses! !

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