salut c'est ma première participation, dans la dernière vidéo y'a un moment où terracid joues le complotiste mais le wankul est basique alors je me suis permis d'en faire un ! (Versions png/jpg)

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Heya, scribblers! Plotist is this online site that offers you the ability to create neat, co-ordinated timelines with elements of your story. It’s not as good as, say, Aeon Timeline, but at least Plotist is FREE.

You got this, scribbler!

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And as far as animals to reference, recent DNA analysis found P. antiquus to be most closely related to the African Forest Elephant (L. cyclotis).

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Desde Landra Gráfica queremos desearos felices fiestas, y que el 2019 (que será el primer año de Landra) venga cargado de logros y cosas buenas. ¡Por un año de bellotismo ilustrado!

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Complotiste et adepte de la terre plate jouant au football. (Par )

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Robert the Puppet Master - couldn't resist

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