Did SO much today! So happy! Thank you to everyone (esp ) who stopped by the stream!

8 31

Well, the stat part is working (with random item stats every time you open the character sheet)!

12 18

Well, It's just a mock-up placeholder (for now), but you can open the inventory! PROGRESS! \:D/

3 13

It lives! It's not much, but I'll keep working on it! Try it here: https://t.co/ZYi4hBzBl4 :D

5 20

Mockups for my 32x32 game for These still need work

11 27

Wonderful atmosphere with so few pixels in this from

17 49

How many of you can beat our game on HARD mode, or find its many many many secrets?

1 4

Screenshots of my for the 32x32px Starting to feel bigger is wasteful!

9 27

whole area graphics are finally done! a small preview

19 83

Special thanks goes to for his excellent game music http://t.co/Z7RXYY99Jt

6 3

Wow, lots of work tonight but this is looking kick ass! Can't wait for you to play!

3 5

Lots of work done today on our entry. New anims, lvl design and cutscenes http://t.co/XPwSwqD49D

7 8

now with laser action :O

2 2