"I found out, like so many other first-time marathoners, just what I had gotten myself into ... The first eight miles seemed to whip by. The rest didn’t."

'Lessons Learned' by
Full story in – Available via https://t.co/QUkq1SwNcp
Illustrated by

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'You've Got to Be Good to Yourself' tells the story of a Carer in the time of Covid-19, who finds solace on the empty roads before shifts.
✍️ Louis Waterman-Evans
🎨 Dominic Twigg https://t.co/KvI5e0gw2F
Full story in via https://t.co/QUkq1SwNcp

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"Eagles are the only birds that fly into the storm. They use the storm to rise. If you want to face your demons, don’t hide from the storm. Run right into it."
'One Foot in Front of Another'
Full story in https://t.co/QUkq1SwNcp
✍️ Emma Bodkin 🎨 https://t.co/mSM5Kpiw2N

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little bastard for LtW. still playing with his clothing colors

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"“On your marks.”⁠
We tread the line. There’s a loose energy to the lack of lane discipline, the total freedom to pick your own racing line. For a heartbeat, everything is still and frozen as I lean in. My shadow tenses like a spring.⁠"
✍️ 🎨

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"But packing a small pack with nothing but a change of clothes, food for the day and a credit card – that’s another level of freedom." –
'Running Between Cabins' is a extract in Out Now via https://t.co/covXO7y7pB

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"Pressing pause. It’s something a lot of runners struggle with. After all, it’s called “catching the running bug” for a reason.⁠"
Words by Emma Gill (https://t.co/fKECaAw8Fa)
Illustration by
Full story in https://t.co/QUkq1SwNcp

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"her feet falling right behind mine. We trespass on the same mud, slide on the same rocks. – Why doesn’t she say “On your left!” and pass me?"

'This Woman' in – Out Now via https://t.co/QUkq1SOo3X

Words by Angela Kidd

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"She asked me to say “I am enough” and I couldn’t. Because I didn’t believe it was true."

Words by Karla Borland ( )
(click image to see all of it) by
Full story in – Out Now: https://t.co/QUkq1SwNcp

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i recently got all my crafters to 80 so now i give them all individual glam!! my ltw and wvr 😚

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"Running has that power to inform self-awareness, but also awareness of our surroundings and of the other; it has that flexibility" - Pierre-Alex Cardinal 🎨Vanessa Wolfe
Full story in LtW#21: https://t.co/oX75dSZjs0

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„23,4% für AfD in Thüringen:
Für Gauland ist „Herr Höcke die Mitte der Partei““

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„Björn Höcke unter thüringischen Wählern nicht beliebt:
Viele wollen Stimme trotzdem AfD geben“

3 11

"the simple act of picking up litter is part of her contribution to saving the planet (although it should be noted that like a typical runner, she has set herself targets)." 'The Plastic Population' - in LTW
✍️ 🎨https://t.co/eX9NV4QlSz

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A donkey as a training partner?! ?! In LTW we learn more about 's latest adventure and upcoming book - LTW is available now at: https://t.co/oX75dSZjs0

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„Politbarometer vor Landtagswahlen:
In Brandenburg SPD und AfD etwa gleichauf, in Sachsen Afd zweitstärkste Kraft nach CDU“

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„Vor Landtagswahl in Sachsen, Thüringen und Brandenburg:
AfD-Politiker beklagt gegenüber Merkel „fehlende Meinungsfreiheit“ und wird zurechtgewiesen“

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„Wahl in Sachsen:
Chemnitzer Kraftklub-Sänger will nach Berlin, sollte AfD in Sachsen in Regierung einziehen“

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