As we near the end of the year, and look ahead to 2019, I wish you & yours the most crumlush, saztaculous and majickal New Year! May 2019 be full of the most shindinculous wondrousness - and may all your dreams, plans & ambitions come majickally true! 😊

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Discover the ‘saztaculous’ world of Matlock the Hare this holiday season!, A ‘majickal’ & read!

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Wishing you a most 'saztaculous' weekend, good folk! If you feel like escaping to a world of 'tzorkly' witches and majickal hares, follow this link, and you'll be there in a 'blinksnapp!'#weekendreads

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basically my roblox avatar with wiz majick
its gross, but it was planned to be practice for backgrounds
ill try harder next time ;;;;;
am prolly gonna use it as a profile pic or something

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Morn'up all! Wishing you a most majickally surprising sun-turn...

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Goole and his saztaculous 'tour-wagon'! Pic from 'Trial of the Majickal-Elders'...

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Crivens!Don't forget to 'keep an eye out' for my 'Trial of the Majickal-Elders'

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