A1 The very first one that comes to mind is this amazing middle grade book about If you haven't read it yet you need to.

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Hi I'm Payal Doshi, author of fantasy REA AND THE BLOOD OF THE NECTAR which is releasing so soon - June 15th!! Glad to be here (although I'm a little late!)

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A late answer to My next MG TBR books are JOSEPHINE AGAINST THE SEA by and EVERYTHING SAD IS UNTRUE by

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For example, 's The Verdigris Pawn and REA can be used as a Compare and Contrast in terms of fantasy settings, the effect of a powerful and unjust ruler, diff approaches to problem-solving, & in the case of REA insights into a new culture and country! https://t.co/BXI3tSdf54

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I have so much FOMO for having missed last nights on portal fantasies, so I'm going to late-participate because I love portal fantasies so much! So much that I wrote one! REA AND THE BLOOD OF THE NECTAR is coming soon - June 15th!
Add on GR: https://t.co/AFYfSN7imn

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I love The Aru Shah series and the Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond series!

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A2) Do you all remember the little bro in PIE IN THE SKY by ? I loved him! I laughed so often in that book and every laugh was a surprise...little fantastic gifts woven in amongst heavy topics. All humor was so well done! https://t.co/Di3JdQJb0g

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Just finished reading Oil & Marble (not a MG book), and am also finishing up The Writer's Map and The Comeback by ! All FANTASTIC!

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I just finished reading (and loving) The Verdigris Pawn by ! And I cannot wait to start Josephine Against the Sea by , Ethan Murphy and the Quest for the Minal by and Glitter Gets Everywhere by !

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What is it about Mondays that makes seems to slip by me? 😔 Hi all! I'm Payal Doshi, author of MG fantasy, REA AND THE BLOOD OF THE NECTAR! I always have the best time here and it feels great to have made it (albeit a little late!)

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Hello friends! I'm author of the YASMIN series plus a few MG novels. My latest YUSUF AZEEM IS NOT A HERO IS a 9/11 book coming in Sept and contains a strong STEM component.

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Hi, I’m Heather, and to mix things up, I thought I’d shared my UK covers for The Bone Garden and The Forest of Stars (out in May)! Both amazing covers were designed by 🖤

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A7) I don't know how marketing influences young readers but I hope fun swag like bookmarks, stickers and buttons might entice them to take a second look at the book! 😍🤞🏼

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A1: My debut REA AND THE BLOOD OF THE NECTAR follows 12 yo Rea from India as she portals into a magical land in search of her twin brother. It's an exciting quest with dark secrets, evil creatures, great friendships, & magic!

Releases MAY 1!

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I saw (and lost track of) a tweet asking from asking for music books, I hope you find this list https://t.co/ZjhSyarWMh

4 14

Hi, I'm Andrew, author of Ana on the Edge + the forthcoming Ellen Outside the Lines, plus a nice little handful of anthology short stories.

I write very queer, Jewish, neurodivergent fiction from the San Francisco Bay Area & am joined tonight by my cat, Alistair 👋

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TODAY on How to make & POP! off the page 📣 "...it’s easy to see STEM fields as separate from literacy and from But they truth is they are deeply connected..."

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