# greenranger mightymorphinpowerrangers tommyoliver jasondavidfrank sabanentertainment boomstudios supersentai tokusatsu kungfupanda kungfupandapo kungfupandaviper kungfupandamonkey kungfupandamantis kungfupandatigress dreamworks nickelodeon jackblack artistsoninstagram lorddrakkon shatteredgrid comic hellboy mikemignola ronperlman comicbooks sketch sandiegocomiccon davidharbour darkhorsecomics bprd anungunrama instaart instaartist whiteranger saban kyoryusentaizyuranger toei sonicthehedgehog sega sonicteam segasonicthehedgehog sonicmania sonicmaniaplus videogames fanart sparkster konami rocketknightadventures retrogaming segagenesis megadrive batgirl dccomics barbaragordon warnerbros comicbook comicart digitalpainting superhero streetfighter streetfighterv streetfighter2 capcom ps4 arcade fightinggames anime manga digitalart kenmasters wolverine xmen logan marvelcomics oliverandcompany artfuldodger disney waltdisney animation cartoon dog cat billyjoel joeylawrence newyork whyshouldiworry nanodrawmo chronotrigger chronocross chronocrossserge squareenix squaresoft playstation supernintendo snes cowboybebop toonami fayevalentine finalfantasyxv finalfantasyviii kingdomhearts roxas sora kiddvideo koolkitty shelion fatcat masterblaster dicentertainment dragonslair dirkthedaring singethedragon donbluth cartoons 80scartoons spaceace infantoray ace spaceacedexter thundercats thundercats2011 cartoonnetwork tedwolf rankinbass studio4c thundera thundercatsho supermario supermario64 supermarioodyssey mar10 mar10day nintendo nintendoswitch supermariobros

I wasn’t going to finish or post this originally because I did the like art 2 years ago so it’s a bit dated for my tastes but figured why not.

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This has been sitting on my computer for two years now and I just now finished it. Either I’m really lazy or I’m just tired...

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Thanks and for being a huge inspiration to my art for the last 27 years. Here’s a little bit of old, a little bit of new.

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Due to an unexpected family matter I’ll be uploading some older stuff since I’ll be home for a few days. This was originally done in 2011 and I adjusted the lighting a bit too.

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This is a little old. I think I may have removed it because it was originally just a practice sketch that for some odd reason I decided to color at the time. Oh well, can’t grow without looking at your old work.

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Refused to go to bed without finishing this. Characters from two of my all time favorite masterpieces of video games.

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Old Cowboy Bebop fanart I drew a few years back. was one of several voice actors that flooded my ears when I was binge watching anime and I loved it!

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Some old Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fanart I drew a few years ago. Japanese brush pen, Prisma markers.

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I did this back in 2007, and it’s of the Copy Cats from Kidd Video, a cartoon from the 80s I can literally watch on repeat till I die, plus I jam the soundtrack on a regular.

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Another update from 2010, but with a new background inspired by the game. Don Bluth has always been one of my biggest inspirations.

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Another update from 2010, but with a new background inspired by the game. Don Bluth has always been one of my biggest inspirations and the reason I went to school for animation.

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Another updated piece from 2011. Wily Kit and Wily Kat as they appeared in that series.

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The wife just reminded me that today was Mario day (Mar10) and that I hadn’t done any Mario art for the day. Well here’s a quickie.

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