4 FICTIONAL WOMEN THAT MEAN THE WORLD TO ME I've put this off for fucking days after Mads tagged me so fuck it, kneejerk top 4

Anthy Himemiya - Revolutionary Girl Utena
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon
Alanna of Trebond - Tortall book series
Daria Morgendorffer - guess

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Like the last year, I will make some digital color versions of the drawings that I liked most of this inktober. 🤓

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“Bite Me!” A Halloween by J Miller, idea by At the CatCo Halloween Party, everyone thinks Lena is a vampire. Daria Morgendorffer, played by Kara D, lets out her inner thoughts.

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someone PLEASE tell me why Quinn Morgendorffer looks like 80% of the girls at Parsons

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Day 7: Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane. Silently judging you for all time.

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I've got to be direct
Its like a big train wreck
Your standing on my neck
la la la...

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Happy Tuesday She's 16 and living in the suburbs armed with her brain, acerbic wit, and sardonic cynicism. No one is safe from her observations. Let's draw 👓 

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Some people live by motivational quotes; I live by Daria Morgendorffer quotes.

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