Day 24: Rufus and Amberley, The Dreamstone. Still in the 90s for this UK fantasy series, with a soundtrack by Mike Batt of The Wombles fame. No great shakes in the story department but very pretty to look at.

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Day 18: Dexter and DeeDee. Dexter's Laboratory is another of my all-time favourites - when is the movie getting a DVD release?? Sort it, !

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Day 15: Buttercup and Mojo Jojo, Powerpuff Girls. Another Cartoon Network classic from the 90s/00s, and a rare example of one with female protagonists.

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Day 11: Freakazoid and The Lobe. Freakazoid! is one of the greatest TV cartoons ever made. End of.

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Day 7: Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane. Silently judging you for all time.

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Day 5: Ren & Stimpy. "This is a song about a whale. No! It's a song about being happy! It's the Happy Happy Joy Joy Song!" Such a dark episode...

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First up, a very predictable choice for me - Regular Show - but in a style I've not tried before, to keep it fresh.

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