Barbara Geesey
oil, 18x20 unframed

Great time for a still life! Interested in purchasing? Contact

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Perciò io gli darò in premio le moltitudini,
dei potenti egli farà bottino,
perché ha spogliato se stesso fino alla morte
ed è stato annoverato fra gli empi,
mentre egli portava il peccato di molti
e intercedeva per i colpevoli.

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Since no one took up the offer Rast stole the other earring, Resulting in "Noverast"

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Three slaves are begging for their life and freedom, but looks like the king is way too amused by them to let them go...

drawn with ballpoint pen and colored in digital. Characters by Novera, Beretta-DarkWolf, wolveyflinch, twitterlu and ArixO.

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Solo una cosa non c'è
È l'oblio
Dio che salva il metallo,
salva la scoria
e novera nella sua profetica
le lune che saranno e quelle
che sono state

Jorge Luis Borges, "Everness"

C. Thèberge

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René Bieder’s new typeface is “Novera” (, a(nother) sans “inspired by the work of Paul Renner, Eric Gill or Jakob Erbar, combining the geometric with the human”. What sets Novera apart are its 2 distinct incarnations, “Classic” & “Modern”. (32)

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Wanted to give Novera a new look that made her look a bit more regal in my opinion. So new hairdo and a new coat. (Really fond of giving my characters new coats lately)

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This is Novera and Calamity J (Novera calls her Cal).
Novera was originally a giant spider who through alchemical shenanigans now also has a humanoid form and Calamity J is her dhampir (on her mother's side) girlfriend.

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